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WHY IS RACISM GROWING BOLDER AND GETTING STRONGER? Whom do we have to thank for this? Guess?

Posted - October 12, 2018


  • Racism hasn't grown, nor has it gotten stronger. What has grown, is the inappropriate use of the term 'racism" as a weapon against any and all who disagree with the left's agenda. We do have a multitude of entertainers, athletes, media "celebrities" and extremist politicians to thank for the abuse of the term. That's more than a pretty good guess.
      October 12, 2018 12:18 PM MDT

  • 6098
    Very true, like the accusation "communist" in the 40s and 50s. 
      October 13, 2018 6:20 AM MDT

  • 7809
    It's not "GROWING BOLDER AND GETTING STRONGER". The coverage of it is.
      October 12, 2018 12:25 PM MDT

  • 113301

    Really? That's really and truly what you think Zack? So super don has had NO IMPACT WHATSOEVER on bringing the racists out from the slime, out of the woodwork and from under the rocks where they have always lived and into the sunshine? I totally disagree with you Zack. of course I am not you and your perspective isn't mine. What I see is a FASCIST RACIST BIGOT TRAITOROUS TREASONOUS

    DESPOT DICTATOR who says  racist things 24/7 and EMBOLDENS racists to come out and come out STRONGER. Different strokes. It happens. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to thy.

      October 13, 2018 3:03 AM MDT

  • 2706
     It isn't growing bolder and getting stronger. Taking a non-racial issue and making them racial is growing bolder and getting stronger. Couple that with politicizing anything and everything that's not political in nature and you've got the mess we see now. Whom do we have to thank for this? The media is a good place to start and 8 years of one of the most racist and bigoted Presidents this country has ever seen is another. That's not to say others are guilty but those two came to mind right off the bat. As always, just my opinion. :)
      October 13, 2018 5:27 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Oh yes.  The liberal press takes isolated racial incidents, or even non-racial incidents but ones which involve people of color , and blows them up and universalizes them because liberal readers lap that stuff up. 
      October 13, 2018 6:23 AM MDT

  • 6098
    You are older than most of us so you of all people should know better than to suggest such a thing.  When many of us were young there was real systematic racism like you couldn't vote and you were excluded from restaurants and public facilities.  That is gone now and we are better for its passing.    Now crying "racism" has simply become a tool to discredit anyone who chooses not to subscribe to the liberal party line and instead chooses to think for themselves.  Funny that when real systematic racism existed no one would have thrown it around so lightly as that - because it was a truly serious issue.   Does race exist?  Yes it does and it will always.   But to use race as a political tool to divide and conquer is 'racist" in itself.  A few people may really think that white people are superior or people of color are inherently superior but honey we are all in this together whether we choose to admit that or not and the sooner we stop accusing others of this or that nasty fiction and start making our own lives better and helping others instead of finger-pointing the better off we will all be. 
      October 13, 2018 6:19 AM MDT

  • 53685

      There is a possibility that this is (either knowingly or unknowingly) an attempt to ignite a fire where one not need to be ignited. If your sycophants decide that I'm "attacking you" merely for refuting what you've written here, they may have my post deleted, which is lopsided in the face of obvious inaccuracy being allowed and exposure of the inaccuracy being silenced.

      Racism (in its truest form and definition) has been the cornerstone of human power and influence for centuries, as evidenced mainly by colonialism. The practice of looking down on people who had a different skin color, a different religion, a different language, different cultural norms, different lifestes, different values, different morals, has been used as an excuse to overthrow entire civilizations, entire races, entire countries, entire continents. The naked, ignorant, savage, backward, primitively masses has to be "educated" by the enlightened, clean, decent and usually Caucasian betters.

      Racism exits, yes. There was a time when worldwide it was much, much worse than it is today, and there was also a time in your home country, the United States of America, when it was much, much worse than it is today. Racism is subtle today compared to just fifty or seventy-five years ago, when it was actually codified in everyday life, expected, accepted and justified. Race was the measuring stick for who could live where, who could prosper in the workforce, who could marry whom, who could look at or speak to whom, who could play a particular sport or join a military unit, who could entertain whom, which bathroom, water fountain or hotel you could use, whether or not you could walk on the same sidewalk, what schools you could attend, the quality of education or medical care one recieved, the list goes on and on. Largely, that doesn't happen today based on race as much as it did when you were born or st any other time throughout your seven-plus decades on the planet.

      I do NOT write these words to excuse racism or to excuse anyone who participates in it. Subtle racism is wrong, blatant racism is wrong. Inciting people with lies and exaggeration is also wrong.

      It is an insult to those who suffered, lost, and/or died to repel racism for anyone to decry racism without recognizing that it's mostly used as a political platform today rather than something that people truly want to eradicate.

    Early 19th century: 

    Early 20th century:

    Early 21st century:
      October 13, 2018 7:07 AM MDT