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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Clever witty colorful slang. You can always count on the Brits and Aussies for that. What about your country? Some examples please?

Clever witty colorful slang. You can always count on the Brits and Aussies for that. What about your country? Some examples please?

An Answermug friend who happens to be a Brit shared a few such terms with me. To wit

Tea Leaves means thieves
Jam Jar  means car
Bees & Honey means money

What are some of your favorite slang terms in your country?

Posted - October 13, 2018


  • 14795
    I'll have try and give it a go to help you Rosie....You'll have to excuse me though as I'm not very good at thus....
    Apples and Pears are your stairs 
    Frog and Toad is a Road...
    Mince Pies are you eyes.
    Dicky Dirt is your shirt. 
    I can't Adam and Eve it ...Believe it  
    My Alan Whickers, Knickers....
    The Joanna ...Paino 
    Going for a Ball and Chalk...Walk. 
    Barnet Faur ...Hair...
    Barney Rubble....Trouble....
    Battke Cruiser ....Boozer ( Pub ) 
    Bird Lime ...Time...
    Boat Race ...Face..
    Pass the Bob Hope...Soap..
    Bricks and Mortar..Daughter....
    Bristol City.... Titties
    Bottle and Glass ...Bum..
    Brown Bread...Dead..
    Bubble and Squeak...Greek..
    Chalfont St Giles...Piles
    Chalk Farm....Arm.
    China Plate ...Mate...
    Currant Bun....Sun..
    Cows and Kisses ...Misses.
    Daisy Roots...Boots..
    Duck and Dive ...Skive
    Dustpan Lids ...Kids
    Elaphants Trunk...Drunk..
    Hank Marvin.... Starving .
    Jimmy Riddle... Piddle...
    Mork and Mindy ...Windy..
    North and South...Mouth..
    Pat and Mick ...Sick...
    Raspberry Tart...Fart..
    Rub a Dub ....Pub.
    Ruby Murry..Curry
    Septic Tank ...Yank...
    Skin and Blister....Sister..
    Sherbert Dab ...Cab or Taxi.
    Syrup of Figs...Wig
    Sky Rocket ...Pocket...
    Tom and  Dick...Sick..
    Two and Eight...State...
    Whistle and Flute...Suit 
    Wonga ...ready cash in hand..
    Vera Lynn...Gin..
    Trouble and Strife ...Wife...
    Table and Chairs ...Stairs...
    Sauage Roll...Goal...
    Roast Pork....Fork..
    Plates of Meat ...Feet. 
    Going for a Laugh and a Joke...Smoke..
    Half Inch something is to Steal things- it 

    Sorry I can't be more helpful....I can only remember a few....:( 

    Duke of Kent...Rent...
    Dog and Bone...Phone...
    Dicky Bird...Word...
    Custard and Jelly...Telly or TV 
    Cock and Hen is Ten Pounds...
    A Flim is Five pounds...
    A Pony in White is Twenty Five Pounds....
    A Monkey is Fifty Pounds...
    A Jack's is Five pounds to...
    A Ton is one hundred Pounds..
    Five Bob was 5 old shillings 
    A Florin was two old Shillings...
    A Duce  was Two old Pounds...
    One Guihea was 21 Shilling or one pound 12 pennies 

    There is much much more if your not bored
      October 14, 2018 11:19 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I am besotted with love for the lingo D. SERIOUSLY! I almost swooned reading them Good thing I'm sitting down. I will read them again and again and again. My gosh they are all such treasures. If we have anything remotely like that in the United States I don't know about it. It is so extensive and clever. Now who invented it? Is there a Brit bible of slang terms? Do you even call it slang? It's deserving of so much more! Maybe I was a  Brit in a different life? It all seem so homey to me yet new and fresh and so nifty. Thank you so much for going to all this trouble for me  D.   You spent a serious amount of time doing this. Need I say I appreciate it more than I can tell you? It's like learning a brand new language. A funner one! ((hugs))
      October 14, 2018 11:34 AM MDT

  • 14795
    There is a young guy that works for my dad and he uses rhyming slang in his every day speach...If you were in his company ,you would not understand a word or phrase he used...He makes up so many and they just roll off his tongue with ease.....Nearly always I catch his drift the moment he comes out with them...I'm in hesterics and laughing long before my dad gets or falls in to what he said....So many of the things he comes out with are just brilliant.....He also talks ten times faster then any one I know.....   

    There are so many more and it mostly came from or started in the east end of London and its in all areas of England in slightly different forms...Liverpool  ,Glasgow and Newcastle are all pretty unique as well...

    Look up English Rhyming wil have thousands more....Beware many can be really crude and with totally unexpected meanings....You might find many offensive..:( 
      October 14, 2018 12:01 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That is very kind and sweet to warn me about such possibilities D.  I just wrote down Enlish Rhyming Slang on a pad I keep on hand and I will look it up. Isn't language fun to explore?  Aren't words inviting and exciting and so easy to play with? Merci, thanks, danke schoen, gracias, shot shnuryagalyem. The last two is Armenian for "thank you"! :) 
      October 14, 2018 12:27 PM MDT

  • 14795
    A dictionary and thesaurus is my favourite reading matter Rosie.....they contain all the best stories and evern the ones not yet written......
    Letters are so much like the atoms we are all made from Rosie....on there own they say and do nothing....but once joined with others ,both become so very powerful.....if assembled correctly....:)
      October 14, 2018 12:39 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The dictionary has always been my favorite book D. I used to have a thesaurus and I've no idea what happened to it. In addition to what we say how we say it and why we say it matters enormously!  :)
      October 14, 2018 1:08 PM MDT

  • 14795
    Tone of voice and our manorisms say far more than words can ever say....
    I was a real minx's as a kid ,but a certain look from my mum would stop me in my tracts..:(
      October 14, 2018 1:53 PM MDT

  • 14795
    It's not just slang's rhyming slang....and it can have many  different meanings  depending on who says it and how its used and spoken....:(
      October 14, 2018 12:08 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I think there are other languages like that. Maybe Chinese though I'm not certain. Words pronounced in a certain way but spelled the same mean very different  things. Of course when you grow up with that and that is all you know it isn't as difficult as if you are an adult and learning something new. :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 14, 2018 1:43 PM MDT
      October 14, 2018 1:06 PM MDT

  • 14795
    I'm not sure if it's true....but the Chinese and countries surrounding it can all read the same newspapers but can't understand each other when they speak...:)
      October 14, 2018 1:48 PM MDT