Say ya got this POL who is real full of himself. Say he intimidates everyone around him to do his bidding because he is a fearsome SOB and tough and mean and evil and heartless? If he wants to be president forever he can be if Congress complies. If he wants to change the requirements to be prez he can. He can order the powers that be to change it to make it any US citizen is eligible. Needn't be "natural" born. Needn't even be 35. Why not 21? With a whinya** spineless Congress and a whinya** spineless Senate as long as this super guy keeps the MAJORITY he can foreverly get what he wants when he wants with no limitations. Who is gonna stop him? See how nifty the future will be? If the Founding Fathers wanted the Constitution to stay as written when they wrote it they would have put in a clause forbidding any changes to it. They did not do that. Ya know why? Because they trusted that moral logical honest men would be the ones to run the country futurely and beyond. They could not possibly foresee what we have today so they did not protect us from it. Open season on everything and everyone everyday from here on out UNLESS the Dems can get back the majority in the House and the Senate. Will they? I dunno. We shall see.