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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Let's change the Constitution and make "serving in the military" a requirement of being president. Whaddya say?

Let's change the Constitution and make "serving in the military" a requirement of being president. Whaddya say?

It wouldn't guarantee that such a candidate would always put the best interests of the country first but it would go a long way to weeding out the wimps and the scairdy cats and the fat cats and users and takers wouldn't it? Especially if the candidate had been wounded. Weeding out celebrities who use the office to aggrandize and enrich themselves would sure protect us from another one of what we have today. Whatcha think?

Posted - October 15, 2018


  • 35030
    That would eliminate the last 3 Presidents.

    No, do not think that should be a requirement.
      October 15, 2018 4:35 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Strange how many liberals want to just jettison our Constitution and "rewrite" it to suit themselves and keep themselves in power.  Not "good enough" for them.  And anyway what did our dumb "forefathers" know - "sexists" and "racists" all of em!  Never took college courses in classism and Marxism, never smoked dope and demonstrated.  Bunch of "wimps and scairdy cats" all of em.  Farmers.  Capitalists.  "Oppressors". Slaveholders.  Who needs em?   Yeah let's "rewrite" to keep out all candidates  we don't like or who don't agree with us and tow the party line.  "Democracy" in action!

    This comment reminds me very much of the days , before I was around, when families would send wayward or frivolous sons into the military to "make a man out of them".  Expecting they would emerge serious and clean cut and ready to shoulder all their responsibilities "like a man".  Or, possibly if they were shot at and wounded,  a "real man". Just put 'em in the line of fire and that should do it for them. 

    Interestingly the greater portion of the active armed forces is of a decidedly more conservative bent.  Because they often see first hand where they are posted or where they must fight just how vital the traditional institutions of our country, including our Constitution, are and how fragile and easily sold or given away freedom can be once we take it for granted and no longer cherish those freedoms. 
      October 15, 2018 5:16 AM MDT

  • 22891
    it nnight be a good idea
      October 19, 2018 4:19 PM MDT