Hi there sweetie! Long time no talk Bez! I appreciate the kind words and beautiful sentiment m'dear but I'm kinda going in the other direction! Believe it ot not I'm almost 81! Now that is OLD! I keep forgetting how old I am so that's a really good thing. But a young bud I'm not. I used to be once upon a time long ago. I'm not quite where the almost petal less rose is though. I still have enough petals to not feel naked. It's so lovely hearing from you m'dear. I do hope all is well with you and that your life is SPECTACULARLY happy! Thank you for your reply and the lovely photos and the sweet words. Happy Tuesday Bez! :) ((hugs))
This post was edited by RosieG at October 16, 2018 9:39 AM MDT
I very rarely come to this site these days (for reasons I won't go into on here), and I have found another site which to me has become the new Answerbag. It's called Similar Worlds, and that was where I got that posting from. All is reasonably well with me, Rosie. Thanks for your reply. :)