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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Whatta GAS! Instead of condeming Saudi Arabia for the gruesome murder super don helps concoct a cockmamie lie! Surprised?

Whatta GAS! Instead of condeming Saudi Arabia for the gruesome murder super don helps concoct a cockmamie lie! Surprised?

The Secretary of States rushes to Saudi Arabia to work on a plot to get the Crown Prince and the King out of the mess they're in. The story they're gonna tell is that neither the Prince or King knew anything
about it. It was all the fault of underlings losing control and not handling the "interrogation" correctly. Well I think showing up with saws to dismember the person there were "interrogating" is rather premeditated and anything that had "gone wrong". BUT of course super don will sell it and all trumpicans will buy to salvage the financially beneficial TIGHT love affair going on for DECADES bet ween the Saudi and the super dons. Why d'ya think super don traveled to Saudi Arabia for his FIRST OFFICIAL VISIT as prez? For his health or for his wealth. Whatta crock. They were caught dead to rights on film and audio so they had to do something like this. Well super don the dean of TALL STORIES to the rescue.

Posted - October 16, 2018


  • 22891
    dont know nnuch about that
      October 19, 2018 3:26 PM MDT