Y'all know that the tax breaks for the obscenely wealthy INCREASED THE DEFICIT. Well good old Mitch wants to CUT MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY to make up for it. Didn't I tell ya he's there for you? Whatta guy. So if he gets way won't you be thrilled as he **? I betcha ANOTHER TAX BREAK FOR THE O OBSCENELY WEALTHY will be borne from that savings. Anything to help us out. What a heart! :( Course none of you depend on Medicare or Social Security to survive. We all know that trumpicans nd Republicans (if there are any left) detest all social service programs. They're all fat cats living high on the hog and never worry about paying bills. They clip coupons. Not the kind normal people do to save money on the food they buy. They clip coupons to buy yachts and vacation homes and vulgar jewelry..