I'm sure it's just a lover's spat.
First super don referred to Stormy Daniels as HORSEFACE. So he is admitting he is in the habit of bedding animals or women who look like them. Different strokes.
Then Stormy came back at him with a coupla comments about his manhood if ya get my drift. She is releasing a book titled "Full Disclosure". Some of what she talks about is the configuration of super don's "private part". Of course it was not flattering. You could say that she "hit below the belt".
You know how sensitive super don is about size. Crowds, his hands, his accomplishment, his wealth, his intelligence, his popularity his his his his his his his his "whatevers"? Well he ain't gonna like what she says about him. I wonder if he'd strip and go naked if what she said about him were untrue! Would you? Anyhoo that's where the little spat is at. I think super don is grievously outmatched. Let's see what he be doin' about ir!