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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » ABJECT IGNORANCE shows up once again. Does super don NOT KNOW only citizens can vote? How long does it take to become one?

ABJECT IGNORANCE shows up once again. Does super don NOT KNOW only citizens can vote? How long does it take to become one?

His boogey man tactics vis a vis the thousands walking toward America is pathetic. Is he really that ignorant? Does he really fear they will upend the November 6 2018 mid-term elections or his run in 2020? How do they get to be citizens that fast super don? DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT IS REQUIRED to become a citizen and how long it takes? Do you even have a clue?

Posted - October 19, 2018


  • 6023
    Actually, I honestly believe that non-citizens are voting.
    In Oregon, especially.
    The state government goes out of it's way to avoid asking people if they are legal residents.
    They give voter registration to anyone getting a state driver's license.
    They (DMV) will accept Mexican ID as proof of who someone is,  and will still give that person a voter registration card.
    The state refuses to check SSN against federal database, so people can use a phoney SSN to get state ID - and voter registration.

    There has never been an audit of Oregon's voter roles, against Social Security database.
    Yet we are told "there is no voter fraud".
    I don't see how that is possible, given the situation I explain above. This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at October 20, 2018 3:52 AM MDT
      October 19, 2018 11:57 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Goodness me oh my Walt. That is a very dark and unsettling picture you paint of Oregon. I always held Oregon in the highest esteem as being very forward-thinking and inventive and admirable. I guess you would know more about that than I do as a Californian. If what you say is true condolences to you and those who live in Oregon. I have no such tale to relate to you about California. Do I have PROOF illegitimate voting never happens in California? No. However I do believe that any incidence of voter fraud is so minute it is irrelevant. Now what IS relevant is the rampant voter suppression going on in the red states manufactured specifically by the Governors who decided that the only way they can win is to stop Dems from voting. So they do and they are being sued for doing so. That is a scandal worth pursuing but trumpicans deny and lie and say it isn't happening and then relate apocryphal tales of massive voter fraud none of which has EVER materialized. Anyone can say anything about anything. Does NOT make it true. Also there are people who are prone to believe anything about anything or anyone. Those who need to believe that voter fraud is dominant will definitely believe it. Those who don't don't. Simple. Thank you for your informative reply. I have a good friend from Answerbag days who lives there and I always admired him for being an Oregonian. Now I shall have second thoughts about the credibility of the state based on what you outlined. Just what I needed. :( This post was edited by RosieG at October 20, 2018 4:00 AM MDT
      October 20, 2018 3:57 AM MDT

  • 22891
    he nnight not know
      October 19, 2018 1:40 PM MDT