Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » In ancient times folks were entertained by watching people fight and die. Public hangings thrilled folks later on. Witch burnings. Next?

In ancient times folks were entertained by watching people fight and die. Public hangings thrilled folks later on. Witch burnings. Next?

Get eaten by lions.  Fight and die at the hands of Gladiators. Be burned as a witch. Hanging. All done publickly and some got off on it.  That was nothing. There may soon be a reality TV show that focuses on dismembering the enemy. A GODFATHER on steroids!  A Tony Soprano type guy! Pay TV. Some folks watch and enjoy operations. That is a beneficent bloody thing. Dismembering could be the newest thing! Instructive public education. For a price. Anything goes. There is an audience for everything. Of course you'd need barf bags near by for the folks who had queasy squeamish tummies but they'd get used to it. Maybe there already is such a show on the dark net run by dark forces. I dunno.

Posted - October 20, 2018


  • 5391
    Next? That’s easy:
    Go to any movie theater at this time of year; there will surely be some chop-‘em-up slasher flick and a long line of low foreheads waiting to pay 12 bucks to watch it. 
    Nothing new. No less disturbing.
      October 20, 2018 5:19 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Fantasy is less disturbing to me than reality DB. Any day. The concoction of sick minds as portrayed on a movie screen or TV screen has wiggle room. Make believe isn't real. What I spoke of happening was real-world not theater. The butchering dismembering of Kashoggi is real world, not imagination. Would you not agree that fantasy does not hold a candle in terms of disgusting and horrific to reality?  Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to thee. Even when I KNOW it's fantasy make believe pretend I avoid watching those things. I never read about them. However being an American who is avidly interested in the politics of our world as it is today I cannot avoid this horrible disgusting truth. I shall not ignore it and pretend it never happened. I shall not avert my gaze or my thoughts. It happened countless times I expect. It's just that this time the perps were so stupid they did it in their embassy in a foreign country. How inane is that? I'm gonna ask a question about that. No wonder the Saudi and super don get along so well. They are equally stupid. This post was edited by RosieG at October 20, 2018 6:03 AM MDT
      October 20, 2018 6:02 AM MDT

  • 5391
    You asked what is “next”. I answered the spirit of your Q. Slasher flicks became what is next because society evolved and outlawed live public carnage.

    In a sense, moviegoers who frequent horror flicks are bigger sissies than the ancients who attended slaughter and hangings, because facing the gritty reality is lost on them. 

    Personally, I could not care any less about the Khashoggi story, just a blown-up distraction from more important narratives. Nothing about Saudi Arabia surprises me, and nothing meaningful will come of this. 
      October 20, 2018 6:19 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I just reread my question and I can see very clearly that how I framed the question was indeed confusing. Once again I shall have to disagree with thee however. When you say. "I could not care any less about the Khashoggi story" my skin crawls.  Perhaps because I am a woman and a mother or more impressionable than you. The why is irrelevant I guess. It just is. I think of how I would feel if it were a loved one of mine who faced, experienced endured the torture before he died. I put myself in that place and wonder if the terror alone of seeing a bone saw would give me a heart attack and I'd die on the spot. More important narratives than how humans treat one another? I think there is nothing more important than that. It underlies everything we do and say and shapes our world. Perhaps you are simply pragmatically practical and don't dwell on things you cannot control. I am not like you DB. I think the single most important thing humans must be is kind to one another. From kindness comes many good things. A kind person is not cruel, does not cheat, does not lie, does not betray, does not harm. A kind person is decent and fair and thoughtful. So we differ thee and me. It's not the end of the world. I see what I see that's important to me and you do likewise. Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 20, 2018 6:52 AM MDT
      October 20, 2018 6:50 AM MDT

  • 5391
    I was a witness to war, Rosie. I served in Reagan’s dirty little wars in Central America. I was in Kuwait when the oil wells were burning. I lost friends in the Marine Barracks in Beirut In ‘83. I have grandchildren. Life is more precious to me than I can effectively articulate, but I also maintain my sense of perspective 

    People have always and will always mistreat each other, and slaughter each other for ideologies. A fact of the world. A Saudi gets dismembered by other Saudis for offenses to Saudi Arabia. Happens EVERY DAY. Not news to me. 

    -Kids are dying in my state, Rosie.
    -Pedophile Priests are still walking free today.
    -Our democratic institutions are being undermined by the very people elected to uphold them.
    -The nation’s infrastructure is still crumbling, and still drawing less regard than which Movie is trending. 
    -Tens of thousands are without homes or safe drinking water in war zones.
    -Women and girls are being raped every day in India.
    -Girls are being killed by their brothers and fathers in Pakistan for “honor”.
    -Chinese children face lifetimes of chronic health problem from the lack of environmental concern by their gov’t.
    -The entire earth is under assault from our arrogant excesses, and denial reigns in the halls of power. Another species goes extinct almost daily, and we’re running out of room to stow our garbage.

    So yes, there are many, much more important narratives that deserve our focus, and no, the unfortunate (and apparently grim) demise of a Saudi man I’ve never heard of, never had any impact on my life or many others, or ever would, is of negligible worth to me in light of the larger and more immediate issues I mentioned. This post was edited by Don Barzini at October 20, 2018 8:20 AM MDT
      October 20, 2018 7:35 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I have never  been on a battlefield or in a war DB. My experiences in life are all I have to go by. My dad did 3 tours in the Marines in World War1. He NEVER talked about it. So too are you are bound by your experiences. How could it be otherwise? I speak from what I know relative to who I am as do you. I respect what you've been through and the validity of your memories. But that in no way diminishes what I said about how I feel about the dismemberment of a human being who was a legal resident of my country working for a well-respected newspaper in my country being tortured and dismembered. I cannot think as you do since my memories and experiences have no relationship to yours. We work with what we have in the way of ingredients when we bake a cake . We work with what have in the way of whom we are when we live a life. How could it be otherwise ? Thank you for sharing your experiences and the why of your views. It changes nothing about mine. If I said it did I would be lying to you and I do not lie for anyone.  The fact that that SOB Nazi butcher-loving don brought up the bodyslam pol In Montana at a rally and had the crowd cheering when the jacka** said "anyone who can bodyslam is my guy" when the person criminally assaulted by the trumpican pol WAS A JOURNALIST I thought was particularly bonehead braindead and said by a savage barbarian racist traitor pig who hasn't a clue about what it's like to be a human being and that was particularly egregious. Thank you for your reply and condolences for all you've lost not the least of which is innocence and hope. SIGH. This post was edited by RosieG at October 20, 2018 6:32 PM MDT
      October 20, 2018 7:49 AM MDT

  • 628
      October 20, 2018 8:24 AM MDT

  • 5391
    Rangers. Where did you serve? 
      October 20, 2018 6:38 PM MDT