Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE supports Democrat Beto O'Rourke for US Senator from Texas! SAY WHAT? What's happening in Texas?

THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE supports Democrat Beto O'Rourke for US Senator from Texas! SAY WHAT? What's happening in Texas?

Posted - October 20, 2018


  • Myost comes off adn hinest and genuine, 

    Sorry, Stu Bee

    I have no tolerance for Trump of his supporters. 
    It's important now, more than ever to expose and keep talking about the danger to the US.

    This is my country, too.  

    Prove me wrong on anything I said
      October 22, 2018 8:21 AM MDT

  • 13277
    And with lots of typos as well. To prove you wrong, just think of anyone you know who voted for him. Do you really believe that those folks seriously are white supremacists and/or Nazi sympathizers? The people I know personally certainly aren't, some of them are actually Jewish themselves.

    And I'm sorry, but there is never any justification for such a bigoted and hateful attitude as your post projects. Maybe that wasn't your intention, but it came through loud and clear.
      October 22, 2018 8:30 AM MDT

  • I see...You choose a different type of "Nazism" and go for personal insult.

    Good Job!

    You don't want to go down that road with me This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 22, 2018 8:42 AM MDT
      October 22, 2018 8:41 AM MDT

  • 13277
    I wasn't judging you. I was talking about your post.
      October 22, 2018 9:12 AM MDT

  • Let us revisit this claim that I made a racist post.  How is it racist? I merely pointed out how the Republican party is now the home for every damn racist organization in the US.

    The KKK
    Proud Boys
    Aryan Brotherhood
    Identity Evropa

    The latter (as I said before) being VERY dangerous because they are recruiting young college age men and trying to take over the GOP. Not my words, bro... theirs’s. Would you like me to repeat some of that for you???

    This one is a doozy, 

    “I work in HR firing niggers and spics all day. Before that, I was in the army and I got to kill Muslims for fun. I’m not sure which one was better: watching niggers and spics cry because they can’t feed their little mud children or watching Muslims brains spray on the wall. Honestly both probably suck compared to listening to a kike’s scream while in the oven.”
    —Eli Mosley on The War Room, March 20, 2017

    So that is one of the founders and for some reason, the conservative movement is embracing these people. 

    On another site called "Choozer", a member told me that they don’t belong to groups, but if it takes a "Nazi" or a "White Supremacist" to slow immigration or stop illegal immigration, it's all good.

    If you lay in a bed with flea-infested dogs, you're going get yourself chewed up and look the part. 
    Sorry, but you look the part.

    I look forward to your pretense of a defense as well as corrections to my grammar and spelling. 


    BTW..  Smearing someone because of their grammar or spelling to dismiss their claim is corollary to Godwin’s Law.  You need to be careful of that in the future  


     -Judas Goat

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 22, 2018 9:07 AM MDT
      October 22, 2018 8:55 AM MDT

  • 13277
    You simply characterized all Trump supporters as being Nazi sympathizers, and that is an extremely bigoted statement. Whatever this guy Mosley said reflects his attitude, and you made the very bigoted assumption that all Republicans think the same way.
      October 22, 2018 9:11 AM MDT

  • Read my post again ..then again, and again , then again...

    Then, Look up "Identity Evropa" and "Proud Boys"

    If you do not like it, I suggest you change political parties, Stu Bee because the GOP is rapidly becoming synonymous with these groups and that does include *GASP*, the "KKK" who have opted to no longer wear their hoods. 

    I used to have some form of  "respect" (not agree with them) but respect conservatives...  I can no longer do so.
    I cannot trust them and this is dangerous

    "Whatever this guy Mosley said reflects his attitude, and you made the very bigoted assumption that all Republicans think the same way."

    1. Not Bigoted, Truthful
    2. Prove me wrong
    3.  Now you understand how we feel when you lump all left leaning persons with Hillary Clinton, Radical Islam, Illegal Immigration, Removing firearms, or any other lie perpetrated by the right.

    Just to touch upon the Racism/Bigotry again...
     I never saw anyone in the KKK, A neo-Nazi, or Whiote Supremacist support Elizabeth Warren or HC.

    And let's talk about bigotry there, too.  Elizabeth Warren as "Pocahontas". Really? 
    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 22, 2018 9:27 AM MDT
      October 22, 2018 9:25 AM MDT

  • 13277
    No need for me to switch parties. I'm a Democrat. However, it's very wrong and the epitome of bigotry to say that all Republicans are this or all Democrats are that. All you're doing is painting an entire group with a broad brush to avoid any thoughtful effort. 
      October 22, 2018 10:02 AM MDT

  • 35023
    I'll tell you and it about spreading the word of Trumpism, the GOP, and the new brand of Naz....conservativism
    No President Trump is not a Nazi..his daughter and grandchildren are Jewish. He moved the Jewish embassy to Jerusalem. ...Not sure how that equals Nazi in any day. 
    I'm still having a difficult time understanding how the party of  Lincoln supports a rape culture, colludes with Russians, and is now being infiltrated by a group of neo-nazi white-supremcists from a group called "Identity Evropa".
    Rape culture supported by Rep? Need I mention Bill Clinton, Keith Ellison, and now Cory Booker.  
    Show me one Republican who supports rape? 
    Collusion with Russians: That would be Hillary. She paid a foreign national for false information about a Presidential candidate, from the Russians. President Trump has put more sanctions on Russia, expelled more diplomats, withdrawn from agreements, armed Urkraine, challenged them on oil deals. But sure he colluded with them. Lol
    Already explained GOP supports Jewish people and Israel. 

    This is no joke, dude. It is pushing its members to stealthily infiltrate Republican politics to move the party towards its agenda of banning non-white immigration.
    Nothing to do with race or skin color just merit based immigration. 

    Every damn Republican-Conservative is circumspect and I would never pull a levver at a voting poll for a con ever in my life moiving forward.
    No surprise there. 
    “I work in HR firing niggers and spics all day. Before that, I was in the army and I got to kill Muslims for fun. I’m not sure which one was better: watching niggers and spics cry because they can’t feed their little mud children or watching Muslims brains spray on the wall. Honestly, both probably suck compared to listening to a kike’s scream while in the oven.”
    —Eli Mosley on The War Room, March 20, 2017
    This idiot is not running for any office as GOP or otherwise. 
    This post was edited by my2cents at October 22, 2018 6:34 PM MDT
      October 22, 2018 10:00 AM MDT

  • 13277
      October 22, 2018 4:03 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Wow. :):):)
      October 22, 2018 1:58 AM MDT