It's nice to be able to come home when one feels like coming. It is still here at least. I had major computer issues. For starters. UGH. I am NOT technical whatsoever.
I actually did mess with the home page a week or two ago. Nobody was using the photos, videos, or groups, so I removed those as features from the home page and reduced it to two columns. Nobody said anything either. lol You're the only one who caught it.
Well, Old School kind of just disappeared. He came and did what he was meant to do and now we are two peas not in the same pod.
It's all very good. I will always be grateful for that adventure and that God tapped me on the shoulder and told me to connect with him. Against all odds I listened and against all odds he moved across the ocean and saved my life. I don't know if I could have held off my brother and what he was trying to do to me and still go to school and get a job.
Thank you Old School.
I don't really know where he is. He was there when I needed him and I wish him very well.
Hi Towlie. Good to see you. The last time you were here, I made a comment on how you came up with Towlie. You didn't answer and I hadn't seen you since. There are lots of newbies here. I stopped correcting grammar except for Randy and Stu Bee.
This post was edited by Element 99 at October 29, 2018 10:44 PM MDT