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What is the largest fresh-water lake you've seen/visited?

Being a native New Yorker and having traveled all over the state, mine are Lake George...

and the neighboring Finger Lakes...

Cayuga Lake...

and Seneca Lake...

Posted - October 28, 2018


  • Lake Tahoe.   I have always lived no more than 3 1/2 hours from the beautiful Sierra Mountains.

    My husband grew up about two hours from Seneca Lake, near Cheektowaga. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 30, 2018 3:16 AM MDT
      October 28, 2018 10:12 PM MDT

  • 10026
    Stu Bee, I like the red glasses! :)  They give a little flare to your picture! :)  
    A good question.  It's hard to say.
    I'm going with Lake Tahoe for over-all greatness of lakes (in more ways than one!).
    I've been to Lake Powell and I believe it has the most shoreline.
    I've been to Lake Mead which is also very impressive...

    But for overall being the best fresh-water lake, in the whole world (I'm a little bias)  I think Lake Tahoe has more volume, has two states to claim, and is a big, big, big, big fresh water lake!  I love it there. :) :) This post was edited by Merlin at October 29, 2018 8:43 AM MDT
      October 28, 2018 10:16 PM MDT

  • 13277
    The other cool thing about the red glasses is that they help me see! But I also get compliments on them from complete strangers on the street.
      October 28, 2018 10:29 PM MDT

  • 10026
    They aren't just a fashion statement?  Have Mercy! Of course not, big winks and smiles, there is a practical side!
    They do really look great on you.  They make me smile all the more!  :) :)  
    Your lakes are beautiful.  I haven't spent as much time on the east coast.  I've been numerous times but not as an adult.  The only lakes I've been to on the east coast are Lake Katonah in upstate New York, Lake Okeechobee, and Lake Kissimmee in Florida.  Maybe when Don's work slows down a little, we will take a trip, starting in Maine and ending in Florida and try to catch your lakes along the way! :) :)
      October 28, 2018 11:16 PM MDT

  • 13277
    I spent my college years in Ithaca, which is at the southern end of Cayuga, and there are lots of very picturesque farms, vineyards, and wineries as you travel north and northwest toward Geneva, which is at the northern end of Seneca. Also a bunch of stunning waterfalls. Beautiful country up there.
      October 29, 2018 12:55 AM MDT

  • 1812
    Are we counting reservoirs here? If so that would be the Dale Hollow Lake that covers part of Tennessee and Kentucky, with the dam in Celina, Tennessee.  
      The world record smallmouth bass was caught from Dale Hollow Lake in the 1950s and it is a popular tourist destination for fishing and recreational drug use.
      October 28, 2018 10:25 PM MDT

  • 11539
    I have been to Lake Superior which is the largest freshwater lake in the world. Living in Minnesota, 'the land of 10,000 lakes', I am never far from a lake. I grew up within walking distance of Lake Minnetonka which is over 14,000 acres and has 100 miles of shoreline.

      October 29, 2018 4:54 AM MDT

  • 44751
    Lake Michigan. The Naval base was right next to it.

      October 29, 2018 7:23 AM MDT

  • 22891
    probably the one when i was a kid where i alnnost drowned when i got pulled over by a tidalwave
      October 29, 2018 7:56 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I'm with Jane, have been to Superior, though I was so young I barely remember it. 
      October 29, 2018 8:17 AM MDT

  • I've seen four of the five Great Lakes, including Lake Superior, but the lake that comes to mind is
                      "Lake Louise ... the most photographed in the world"  (supposedly)

      October 29, 2018 8:53 AM MDT

  • Wow, that is breathtaking. 
      October 29, 2018 9:15 AM MDT

  • It's well worth seeing!  The blue of the water and the glaciers there are so blue ... it's like brilliant and a little spooky too.  It's so blue it doesn't look real.  :)

    (I've never seen the color captured in a photo.) This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 29, 2018 2:38 PM MDT
      October 29, 2018 9:28 AM MDT

  • 10026
    Awesome Alf!! 
      October 29, 2018 2:37 PM MDT

  • 10052
      October 30, 2018 8:39 PM MDT

  • Lake Tahoe

    My family has a vacation home on the shore of the lake that I've been visiting since I was little.

    Sand Harbor, on the Nevada side:

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 31, 2018 8:39 PM MDT
      October 29, 2018 12:41 PM MDT

  • I've been told that there aren't very many fish in Tahoe.  Do you have any idea why?  Doesn't the state stock it?
      October 30, 2018 3:24 AM MDT

  • 14795
    I'm going with Veronica Lake for a change.....:)D 
      October 29, 2018 2:59 PM MDT

  • 17655
    Lake Michigan.  It's really beautiful from the northern shore on the Michigan side.  
      October 29, 2018 9:15 PM MDT

  • 3719
    Rossvatnet, in central Norway, and that country's largest inland body of water - unfortunately I don't know its area, nor have any photos of it.

    Stu - what's the proposed shaft for, marked next to Lake Cayuga?
      November 20, 2018 5:06 PM MST