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When will you start voting with your dollars?

It's a far more powerful way to change things than casting a vote on election day and hoping the politician keeps his/her promises.

 You can either strengthen or weaken corporations or small businesses, who ultimately have much more power to change the direction of the world by determining where you will spend your money.

 Give the farmers more power by buying local produce directly from them.  Give companies who support what you believe more power by buying from them,  and stay away from the companies you despise. If enough of us do this,  we will see a quick shift.

Posted - October 28, 2018


  • 22891
    never since inn out of work
      October 29, 2018 7:55 AM MDT

  • I do this, but until everyone starts doing it, then it's rather a moot point. For example, I try to buy local and patronize business that arer US based or withing region.

    I myself have a very bitter opinion of Wal-Mart and have seen how this corporate parasite has decimated local economies first hand. I live in the northern  region of New Hampshire. The local Gas station and convenience store is 15 miles away. 

    Plymouth NH is the closest for me to do any form of major shopping. There is a Wal-mart there. They have lowered prices so much that it is impossible for local businesses to compete (like grocery stores, etc.)   Those local business have since closed and the people who worked there have had to seek employment; many times at Wal-mart where they pay sub-standard minimum wages.

    After most of the business have been shuttered, the scum of Wal-mart then raises the prices of their goods.  

    But of course, the Wal-Marts of the world are the ones that really need those trumpian tax breaks

      October 29, 2018 10:32 AM MDT

  • 2658
    Stop feeding the greedy corporations - good if the masses would (as posted above), it could effect change...

      October 29, 2018 4:22 PM MDT