Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» When people change or reveal other aspects of their natures and you can no longer relate do you hang in anyway or move on? WHY?
I'd like to think I am quite open-minded and accepting of differences in others. If their nature that has been revealed or changed is not harmful, demeaning, or otherwise dysfunctional, I would not dump them as a friend and move on. So many people tend to easily dispose of others, and that has always rubbed me the wrong way. Now, THOSE are the people that I would not choose to befriend.
Here's a scenario that I experienced. A long-time ago different internet social site "pal" showed up on Answermug. I was delighted to see his moniker and expected a very pleasant and cordial exchange and catching up. What I got was a very angry trump fan who excoriated me for the questions I ask pertaining to the donald. He said he'd stay here to offset my questions I ask so that the "right" would be more fairly represented. The palship never encountered politics in that other time and place. It was before trump. I did not give back what he gave me. I told him that in honor of the prior "friendship" I would refrain from doing that. I thanked him for the prior good times and wished him well. He shows up from time to time and I simply delete him without reading a word. Once burned twice shy. That's just me lavender I don't turn the other cheek for anyone. What he said shocked me. Underneath all of the person I thought he was existed the person whom he revealed himself to be. It's just that in those more logical normal times there was no need to talk politics because the world was different then and we didn't have a Fascist lunatic in charge. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)
It sounds as if he was disrespectful, in which case I too would stop engaging with that individual. We can all have differing opinions, but that does not mean that it's okay to be disrespectful or hateful. I have many Trump supporters in my family. I have many liberals, too. Some of my friends are more conservative than others. However, we all respect the fact that we don't agree, and we choose not to discuss politics. Just because we are friends/family though does not mean it's ok to be disrespectful.
We have one non-liberal in the family whom we dearly love. We NEVER talk politics when we get together if he is present. No percentage in doing that. Thank you for your reply lavender.
Hello Lavender It is me to whom Rosie is referring. Yes, Rosie and I enjoyed a cordial relationship on A.B. and even here when A.B shut down and a bunch of us came here. I left the site when the 2016 campaign started because there was just too much vitriolic banter.. Rosie was always aware of my conservativism I did return here this year and I was absolutely shocked at just how bad it became.. Rosie has an absolute hatred of conservatives, she has called us Nazis, traitors, Stoopid (as she calls it) and countless other names..most of them in my view are pretty vile...she lumps everyone into groups and makes no room for exception, so Yes, I did let her have it. I reminded her that with every name she calls conservatives, she is talking about me!! As far as I am concerned she is a one sided hypocrite with extreme anger issues.. She has become exactly what she has always claimed to detest. I will continue to call her out on her ignorance because again, she has degraded my beliefs simply because I supported Trump... The day she let's go of her rage, I will be happy to engage with her politely, until then.....all is fair
Oh sorry that the two of you had a falling out. Politics and other controversial issues like that I stay away from most of the time, because one side will likely never convince the other side that they are right, and it tends to get heated, and I don't like the drama.
I hope you both can come together and rekindle your online friendship at some point. But beyond that, I am neutral and of course wiill stay out of it.
It was not me who asked the identity of the person Rosie was referring to - I am still new hear and figured I wouldn't know the individual anyway.
Oh sweetie I was so disappointed. Even kinda devastated. It was an Answerbag very favorite pal from long ago who showed up here one day a coupla months or so ago. I was so happy to see his moniker. I saw that it was a lengthy response to a question I'd asked so I started reading. Until I got to the point where he began to excoriate me for the questions I asked about the dippidy doo. I stopped reading right then. When we were "friends" we never talked politics. Obama was prez. There was no need to do so. He said he would show up from time to time on Answermug to offset my questions to defend the right which seemed to be underepresented according to him. I told him that I would NOT give back to him what he gave to me that day. I wanted to honor the friendship we had and I would not attack it or sully it or demean it in any way. I thanked him for the prior friendship and now when he shows up occasionally I just delete him without ever reading a word. I will never read anything from him again. NEVER. I have no wish to engage any more with the person he revealed himself to be. I don't know if you ever knew him on Answerbag. Obviously I'm not going to tell you what his name is here. Here's what I'll do though. When Old School visits us in November I mentioned to you that I've asked him to return the Olbermann book on the dippidy doo that you so graciously loaned me. I'll put a note inside the cover with the name. It is one of the most disappointing experiences in my internet life. It happens. Dagnabbit! :( Thank you for your question Sharon. Have patience and you'll know sometime in November.
This post was edited by RosieG at October 31, 2018 12:44 PM MDT