Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» When you get together with family/friends is it always the same person who gets attention/controls conversation? Or do you take turns?
Gosh Sbf that's a great compliment to you. So you are the catalyst for conversation and the genial host who keeps things interesting! Were you always an extrovert? Never shy? I think that is a humongous advantage. There are few people who have the patience or interest in drawing shy people out. They struggle and have to find their own way. Being an extrovert means you never get nervous in front of a crowd. In school when you had to get up in front of the class for any reason I bet you never got flush and had your palms sweat and wish you were anyplace else but there! Ah yes. I remember it well! Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday! :)
You did? You can CURE IT? Huh! Who knew? Thank you for your additional comment. I don't know how I'd do now. I certainly have come out of my shell. So maybe I wouldn't faint or get sick to my stomach or beet red and not mind at all. No way to test it. :)
This post was edited by RosieG at November 1, 2018 3:26 AM MDT