Not for moi. The opposite is true. I think sharp-tongued folks are mediocre intellectually. If they were superior they wouldn't have to resort to being snarky or snide. Just as I think truly smart folks are modest and not full of themselves. I may be in the minority on that Ele but it's where I often am so I'm used to it. I expect that the smarter you are the kinder/more modest you are the less needy you are for being acknowledged as one smart dude/dudette. Noblesse Oblige. To whom much is given much is expected. Lording your intellect over folks is not my idea of smart nor is it my cuppa tea. Of course the question is not about me. Did I answer YOUR question sufficiently? Thank you for your reply! :)
I guess our definitions of sharp-tongues are different. To me it means sharp-witted and can back it up with words and proofs when necessary. By your definition, no. That is not me.
Sharp cuts. A sharp tongue to me is one that always draws blood with that specific intention. A sharp mind, on the other hand, is always honed to perfection and can cut through bullsh**! A sharp wit is good. A sharp tongue would be a Don Rickles. Do you remember him? I never got why he was so popular. I'm gonna ask. He insulted everyone. Allegedly Frank Sinatra loved being insulted by him. Go figger! Not my cuppa tea. Thank you for your reply Ele and Happy Sunday to thee! :)
Where when and how? Self-deprecation happened behind closed doors? It was that comic Rodney Dangerfield who kvetched about getting no respect. I do not recall a single instance when the Rickster put himself down. So you knew him then? Thank you for your reply Ele.
Noblesse oblige. To whom much is given much is expected. Yes I grew up and my parents used to see to it that my brothers and I visited homes for the aged and hospitals and took gift packages and sometimes supplies to the sick or poor. You don't it hear it often mentioned these days.