Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Deadpan humor! I love it. Superficially just a bunch of ordinary words.Yet they can blossom. Are you a fan of deadpan?
Do you remember the actress/singer whose first name was Virginia who was known for being a deadpan singer? I can see her face in my mind and hear her voice in my head but I can't for the life of me remember her last name! Thank you for your reply L and Happy Monday! :)
To be completly blunt with you Rosie .....I think there is a time and place for humour ..... I just happen to think though that any time and place will do and I'd even try dead pan myself if I could find out what it meant.....:(
A dead man's pan is expressionless. There was an American actress-singer named Virginia (don't remember her last name) whose face remained somber as she sang. She was known for it. As Spunky said Jack Benny was a good example. I could give you the dictionary definition but I'm sure you have access to a dictionary so I won't insult you by doing so! Besides I think you're teasing me D! Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thee! :)
I love it! Brit Milton Jones and Canadian Stewart Francis are two of my faves, masters of the one-liner delivered flat but with perfect timing - and I'm rolling on the floor, crying with laughter.
I'm a fan of subtle not slapstick so deadpan always pleases me. It's understated. You don't have to hit someone over the head with a bunch of celery (3 stooges did that). A sense of humor comes in as many varieties as there are people I s'pose. Different strokes! Thank you for your reply Sbf! :)