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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Awhile ago a trumpican Answermugger said "I see some liberal content in movies that is depressing". Does any LIBERAL depress thee too? WHY?

Awhile ago a trumpican Answermugger said "I see some liberal content in movies that is depressing". Does any LIBERAL depress thee too? WHY?


"Favorable to progress or reform as in political or religious affairs"


"The disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change"


"Something without use or value: rubbish trash useless stuff"

There is no definition in the dictionary for TRUMPISM. TRUMPERY is as close as I can get to it.

Posted - November 6, 2018


  • 2706
    I rarely, if ever, get depressed but I gotta say, most of the content, liberal or otherwise, I see in the entertainment industry as a whole very disturbing. Perhaps you should do some research on Hollywood and the music industry. Does any liberal depress me? As individuals no but I do find much of their policies and mindset quite disturbing. Trumpism or Trumpery are non-words so to be irrelevant. That said, I am of the disposition to preserve what is established (Constitution, Amendments, freedom, liberty, etc, and to limit their change. I am also of the disposition to limit the size of the government as the founding fathers intended. :)
      November 6, 2018 5:48 AM MST