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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "We have a BILLION DOLLAR ANGER INDUSTRY in this country and the president controls it" . As said on TV. Agree?

"We have a BILLION DOLLAR ANGER INDUSTRY in this country and the president controls it" . As said on TV. Agree?

Posted - November 7, 2018


  • 6988
    The media lies about so many things, but da President ain't got no control of it. I think it is the duty of the everyday common citizen to slap the media up side da head so we can get da truth. 
      November 7, 2018 9:45 PM MST

  • 113301
    I disagree with everything you wrote bh but thanks for your reply and Happy Thursday to thy! :)
      November 8, 2018 2:33 AM MST

  • Yeah but he is really good at that one thing!
      November 7, 2018 9:56 PM MST

  • 113301
    Just our dumb "luck" to have a prez be so very good at being so very bad horrible awful terrible horrendous deceitful criminal heartless mindless soulless. Sigh. My oh my! :(!  Oy vey! Thank you for your reply Cinders and Happy Thursday m'dear! :)
      November 8, 2018 2:34 AM MST

  • Incredibly he is very proud of all those attributes!  You are very welcome Rosie, Happy Thursday to you too:) 
      November 8, 2018 4:11 AM MST

  • 113301
    I hoped for an argument from you Cinders but by now I know you to be an honest sensible logical person so here we are! AARRGGHH!  What's next? Any guesses? Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 8, 2018 4:55 AM MST

  • 13277
    If he controls it, why are you so angry?
      November 7, 2018 9:57 PM MST

  • 7280
    Controlled---managed by him for his own ends, not restrained by him.

    You're really not good at pretending to be dumb.

      November 7, 2018 10:31 PM MST

  • 13277
    And the proof of this is what and where? This post was edited by Stu Spelling Bee at November 8, 2018 8:41 AM MST
      November 7, 2018 10:40 PM MST

  • 113301
    :):):)  I love that line tom. Maybe I'll co-opt it one day. If I do I'll give you attribution indirectly. "You're really not good at pretending to be dumb". That's a wonderful compliment actually. How does one argue that? "Yes I am too good at pretending to be dumb"? I think not! :)
      November 8, 2018 2:38 AM MST

  • 113301
      November 8, 2018 2:39 AM MST

  • 13277
    As is the question. You simply pronounced it as fact, but what and where is the proof of this? There is none, which is par for the course.
      November 8, 2018 3:30 AM MST

  • 1530
    To a degree, certainly, as arguably any leader endeavors to.

    But then there are innumerable leftists profiting from it just as well, drawing popularity and money for not much more than insulting the president. For example, I don't quite believe Peter Strzok "needs" half a million dollars to live.

    Both sides are very much to criticize for it, I think, and it only makes everything more chaotic for the rational--which is again to the advantage of both parties.
      November 8, 2018 4:39 AM MST