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Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » "How to steal 10,000 tildes without getting caught." Why do people conduct internet searches before committing crimes?

"How to steal 10,000 tildes without getting caught." Why do people conduct internet searches before committing crimes?

(By the way, this is not about me; I'm asking for a friend.)

Posted - November 7, 2018


  • 8274
    Asking for a friend?  sure you are! Anyway if you steal them how would you transport them? You

    haven't thought this through Randy D.  You can get them for free...all in the comfort of your own

    home.  Yes it's true, no tax, no shipping costs nd no scandal at the end. All you have to do is hit ~

    10,000 times and you will have 10,000 FREE tildes, no strings attached.  No jail time to look forward

    to, no whispers from your neighbors when the cops take you away in cuffs.  (not the the pink fluffy

    ones either).  
      November 7, 2018 7:51 AM MST

  • 7939
    Mostly because they're unaware that they can be traced. 

    No joke, I had the perfect murder plot in my mind for years. I didn't dare look it up because, you know... evidence... not that I would act on it, of course, but it kind of felt like an insurance policy. Anyway, I had this plot worked out in my mind and it was infallible. For years.

    I don't know how my oldest son (age 20) and I got on the topic... I was probably dealing with a person issue and he probably suggested to me that I find a permanent solution to it... but, whatever the circumstance, I decided to swear him to secrecy and divulge my perfect murder plot, giddy about what a criminal mastermind I am. All those episodes of Dr. G, CSI, and similar were really paying off. 

    So, I unveil my epic plot years-in-the-making, and without missing a beat or so much as blinking, my son says, "You know, that won't work because of XYX." And, there it was, years of effort instantaneously evaporated. It could still work if the person doing the autopsy is lazy, but chances are, they'd catch on. My son was right.

    His girlfriend walked in at the tail end of the conversation, and so I reluctantly recounted my plot one more time. She thought it was good and didn't catch the error either, but then she turned to my son and said, "Did you tell your mom about the plot you came up with?" Indeed, the pair had been plotting their own murder, and they also thought they had the perfect crime. Ultimately, I debunked theirs pretty quickly too. 

    There are several morals to this story:
    1) Everybody has pondered the perfect murder plot. 
    2) Everybody needs a debunker. Better to check Google then spend years of your life thinking you've got the answer, you know. 
    3) I always thought it would be my ex-husband who eventually kills me. He's still a strong candidate, but if I go MIA, ya'll need to tip the police off that there's a chance it was my son and his girlfriend. Seriously. I'm living with a bunch of potential murderers. How unsettling. 
      November 7, 2018 8:50 AM MST

  • 6023
    For the same reason people write down the plans to commit crimes ... or record in their journal/dairy that they committed a crime.  Because they are stoopid.  LOL
      November 7, 2018 10:25 AM MST

  • 10026
    Some people strive for attention.  Any attention will do, good or bad.  They want to get caught BY YOU so they can be locked in a cell at your disposal...
    Did you ever think it was all a ploy in entrap you??? 
    Didn't think it out that far, did ya????

    Or, for your friend, rather.   But, if he is a friend of yours, the culprit would know YOU would be involved in solving the crime.  It still points back to them wanting you.
    Face it.  What's a guy like you to do with all your dapper looks, and smooth poise?   You must be looking to get those manicured hands dirty, just a little bit. 
    Big winks and smiles!
      November 7, 2018 2:08 PM MST

  • 22891
    not sure
      November 7, 2018 2:46 PM MST