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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Dipsydoodle. The dipsy is to suppress the votes. The doodle is to not count the votes. The dipsydoodle is in full swing in don world. Sad?

Dipsydoodle. The dipsy is to suppress the votes. The doodle is to not count the votes. The dipsydoodle is in full swing in don world. Sad?

Posted - November 9, 2018


  • 35006
    Voter fraud seems to be alive and well in Florida. 
    Electrical official refusing to follow laws. Not reporting timely information as required by law about number of ballots cast. Now she is finding ballot....hmmm.
    Along with not allowing party observers to witness counting etc. 

    Same official in 2016 destroyed ballots illegally. Why she is still allowed near the polls is mystery, let alone in charge.
      November 9, 2018 6:59 AM MST