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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If don is still around in 2020 the surest was to intimidate him is run a STRONG WOMAN against him. He will fold/cave/disinegrate. Ya Nah?.

If don is still around in 2020 the surest was to intimidate him is run a STRONG WOMAN against him. He will fold/cave/disinegrate. Ya Nah?.

The humiliation in the defeat of the House trumpicans lies directly at the feet of the don john. All his rallies and all is vitriolic atttacks and all his lies did NOTHING to save the seats of the trumpican toadies. He is POISON and is getting worse each day in every way.

Posted - November 9, 2018


  • 35008
    Just like what happened with Hillary. 
      November 9, 2018 6:17 AM MST

  • 2706
    Fold, cave, disintegrate? Nah! Why would running a strong woman cause President Trump to fold, cave, disintegrate? Hillary Clinton claimed to be strong and President Trump didn't fold, cave, or disintegrate while she ran. Being strong simply is not enough to win an election. You have to have something the people and the country need and to have a track record of delivering the goods. 
      November 9, 2018 6:21 AM MST

  • 13277
      November 9, 2018 6:30 AM MST

  • 13277
    Go ahead, watch the Democrats nominate a "strong" woman from the far left such as Elizabeth Warren or, even better, Hillary "I'm entitled to be president" Clinton again, and then watch President Trump get re-elected in a landslide when nobody outside of California, New York, and a handful of other western and northeastern states is willing to vote for unrestricted immigration (which Canada doesn't even have) and raising taxes through the roof to fund single-payer Medicare.

    Folks, this is more wishful thinking from the wannabe spokesman who really is just one person with an opinion. But opinions are like a$$holes - everybody has one, and sorry Rosie, but we don't all agree with you. And you know what else? That doesn't mean that we all love Trump or make the rest of us all "Trumpicans." Happy Friday to thee!
      November 9, 2018 7:01 AM MST

  • 6098
    As long as we require any government to prop us up or step in to "defend" us we are neither "strong" nor even "equal". 
      November 9, 2018 7:56 AM MST