Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The don's next attack target will be Michelle Obama. Says she will never forgive him for the birther crap. How will he destroy her for that?
Me thinks he will resort to his usual tactics of misogynistic histrionics and ad hominem. He'll probably go the route of calling her "masculine" or maybe just outrightly alleging that she is really a transsexual or just a man in drag. Unfortunately for the Don, fat jokes won't work in this instance.
He'll come up with something repulsive and atrocious and vicious and vile and vitriolic and all his toady sycophants will be repeating it repeatedly. It's what he does and what they do. Predictable. Michelle is so much smarter than tiny puny crybaby whiny don. His terror of women accelerates when it is a brilliant woman of color! That he cannot in any way tolerate. SIGH. Thank you for your reply bevo and Happy Friday! :)
I am not so sure he destroys people.. he tries, he thinks he does.. it does his ego good to think he destroys people. but they can only be destroyed if they let him.... he can make things annoying, he can lose people their job.. and he DOES do that.. But I am thinking Michelle is way, way above him in terms of intellect and stability.. so she won't be destroyed. . she can wipe the floor with him..
I've missed you Rosie! Sorry I've been away.. tough time and essay deadline looming.
I miss you too Addb but it is tempered significantly since I know it's for a worthy cause. EDUCATION is so important. My folks stressed it. So while I'd sure like to chat with you every day as we used to be able to do my heart is very happy visualizing you getting closer and closer to achieving your goals. I shall always be here until I'm no longer anywhere sweetie. I totally agree with thee about Michelle's intellect. The don is clearly TERRIFIED of women, even more terrified of brilliant women and the best part is that when it is a woman of color he goes nuts. He just can't handle it! Puny whiny tiny little man. Thank you for your reply Addb! ((hugs))