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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Has anyone ever driven you away from an internet social site? Has anyone ever driven away any pals? It's gonna happen here or has. WHY?

Has anyone ever driven you away from an internet social site? Has anyone ever driven away any pals? It's gonna happen here or has. WHY?

Some folks find gnats annoying and confront them every time they show up. After awhile it is enormously tiring exhausting and they almost want to just give up and leave. Others of us recognize the gnats for what they are and simply ignore them. If confronting those whom you deplore affects you negatively at all stop doing it. It changes nothing and only makes you feel bad. Don't feel bad. Please.

Posted - November 11, 2018


  • 35006
    I have left because of inappropriate posts. 
    But no one has run me off.

    People come and go for different reasons from numerous sites.
      November 11, 2018 11:55 AM MST

  • Twice been driven away from social media sites.  Its no secret that a few of us came here from AOR, as there were resident trolls there bullying anyone viciously that shared political opinions different than theirs. Also the Mod frequently took their side in any disagreements because of their big financial donations:(
      November 11, 2018 12:00 PM MST

  • 113301
    My only other internet social site was Answerbag Cinders. No one drives me away from anything. I just ignore them. I have no need to respond to those who are purposely insulting and uncivil so I don't. I have a very good friend whom I met on Answerbag with whom I regularly keep in touch. She is a darling woman and she was driven away on Answerbag by a couple who played with points and stacked the deck. I never paid any attention to them but she did and finally she couldn't take it anymore so she left. Many others left as well for different reasons. When I leave it will be because I CHOSE TO LEAVE and not because someone drove me away. I'm not wired to do that. I dig my heels in and get more entrenched and determined. When I'm here I ask questions and reply to those whom I know I can trust to be civil. The others I just ignore and never read their posts. Why should I feel bad about someone who is not my cuppa tea and only shows up to insult me? So I don't ever read what they write . But some of my pals do and they are feeling really bad and upset about it while I remain aloof untouched and ignorant . It's sad and I'm sad to know that.  I just received a message from one of them who was contemplating leaving because she is so angry and upset with them. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 11, 2018 1:13 PM MST
      November 11, 2018 12:13 PM MST

  • 10787
    Yes.  I'm a humorist and a Christian.  No matter what site I go to, my intent is to uplift people (usually through laughter), but in a clean, non-threatening way.  I also give serious advise if I think I can be of some help to someone.  Unfortunately, there are individuals out there who think that they're god and that  everyone must conform to "their way of thinking" (rules?).  Usually I simply ignore them (everyone has a right to their opinion).  But on one site one person got downright nasty.  they even lied to the moderators in an effort to get me kicked off.  I just left.
      November 11, 2018 3:03 PM MST

  • 13277
    How ironic. That's partly why you have your own corner, Rosie.
      November 11, 2018 4:51 PM MST