Nice Shuhak! You HONE your funny BONE daily! Good one! Some folks never crack a smile either verbally or facially. Set in stone their funny bone is. Petrified like the trees in the Petrified Forest. Lifeless! Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
You funny bone is not a bone at get a tiny pressure shock when your Ulnar nerve is compressed against your Humerus bone.....hence to how the funny bone word was derived ....:) D
Oh sweetie did I never tell you the tale about my visit to Disneyland once upon a time? There is a ride called the Haunted Mansion that has some pretty scary visions of ghosts floating about. On one visit (a company event) the friend of the owners of the company who was a Disneyland bigwig accompanied us about the grounds. He was going to tell us how the illusions was done and I excused myself and told him I'd rather not know the mecahnics of the illusion because that would destroy it for me. Do you cut a drum open to see where the sound comes from? So I prefer funny bone and you just undid the illusion for me. SIGH. It's ok. You didn't know. Thank you for your reply D! :)
Strangely parents told me I dismantled everthing I could get my hands on when I was little to see how it worked...I've not really changed much either over the years.... :)
I was only trying to help ......I was really just seeing how it work in case one of my brothers and sister broke things... As you must know...some times you have to smash stuff to get it back together quickly ...:)D