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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Thousnds of homes were burned to the ground. The town of Paradise California no longer exists. Many died. And the prez said what?

Thousnds of homes were burned to the ground. The town of Paradise California no longer exists. Many died. And the prez said what?

Scolded. Threatened that no more federal funds would be provided. Such a caring person. Kicking people when they're down is something at which he excels. He has no equal. SIGH.

Posted - November 12, 2018


  • 10787
    When I heard what he said I want to smack that jerk just as hard as i could!  He just hates the environment.  He wants to exploit it for all he can and then move on.  It's "me, me; now, now".  While california would prefer to save it for future generations.  Frankly, we like our trees.  That's why we choose to live here among them.  People like trump only want to clear-cut teh forests for $$$ (their way of "managing" them).

    Paradise is the sister city to this one (we're virtually identical).  Many people here know people or have relatives who live in Paradise.  The tragedy there really hit home here.  This county is taking in as many evacuees as possible - including their animals (all sizes)... not into evacuation shelters, but into people's homes.   We've sent truck loads of supplies up to those people and will be sending many more.  HOw about my trump chipping into his stash and offering some of HIS money to help ( as we are) instead of trying to cut off money paid by the taxpayers (of which he isn't one).

      November 12, 2018 5:15 PM MST

  • 113301
    I wished while he were on foreign soil in Paris polluting their environment by his being there that he would never return to the United States. Whatever it would take to effect that I hoped would happen. He is a vile epidemic that is destroying everything worthwhile. While he lives much dies. What will it take to eradicate him from our lives? I don't know but I'm open to anything. My preference would be a  change in him to turn him from the vile SOB devil dog he is to someone who is human with human emotions. We know that will never happen. What will? As I said I'm open to anything. I'm so furious that we are stuck with him for any length of time. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. I'm so sorry about what happened to Paradise. So sorry for the pain and loss of the people. What is ahead? When will all the fires be out? Anyway glad to know you are okay. Thank you for your thoughtful reply! :)
      November 13, 2018 2:44 AM MST