We will ask for 2 million dollars for 3% of our invention then watch that Kevin O Leary explode. Cheers!
How about inventing an electronic soap bubble blower. AFAIK they have not been invented yet, and I am sure there is a market for them ;-))
hahahaha so cute. : D
I saw a great idea today: a fried egg and cheese sandwich with only one slice of bread. That's a 50% savings!
I would say we could use my Ottoman Cooler idea, but then someone mentioned getting a Duck Dynasty tie-in, and if I could also do a NASCAR/Budweiser tie-in those things could make me a millionaire many times over.
I like Shark Tank much better. Have you seen that one?
The one you like is a copy cat.
I don't know if your show is better, but I do like Shark Tank. I like the way they think about things like this.
If it is stupid ideas? I am your woman. I am great at idiot inventions.
Pokémon string lights? It is stupid because it is a great idea, but Pokémon wouldn't give us the royalties.
Errr, sorry, too late! Been done! Bubble-blowing machines do exist! Probably more electric than electronic, but never mind. :-)