Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» If you had a big confession to get off your conscience to whom would you make it and why (if ya wanna share)? Do you?
Wouldn't it do more good if you confessed to the one you might have harmed lavender? Of course God already knows about it so all you would be doing is verifying it. If you had harmed someone for whatever reason maybe confessing it to that person would be better. Of course "big" is relative isn't it? I'll give you an example. Years ago on Answerbag, the prior internet social site to which I belonged, there was one person whom I was told was sending negative emails to everyone about me. He had a real problem with me and I never figured out why but I guess he wanted to get everyone on his anti-Rosie bandwagon. I'd get messages from these folks telling me all about it and I did nothing. I said nothing. I never confronted him. As things turned out toward the end of his life he started confiding in me and I was not unkind. I listened. One day he confessed to me out of the blue what he had done and apologized. He never explained why he did it and I never asked. Now of course I already knew what had transpired but it must have bothered him and so he took responsibility for it and apologized. One day he got on the roof of his home for whatever reason and fell down to the ground and hurt himself very badly. We heard nothing for awhile and then he came back to Answerbag to participate from his bed. He was bedridden and not healing well. Then he stopped communicating completely. I tried to reach him but to no avail so I assume he died. An example of a person who was harming himself far more than he ever harmed me. I think that is always true. The person who attacks insults is the one who suffers most. Though they do not always take responsibility and confess or apologize they lose bits and pieces of themselves every time they attack others. I still think about him from time to time and hope wherever he is that he is at peace. I harbor no ill will toward anyone who attacks insults because I am never damaged by it. They are. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday! :)
I was thinking whom I would go to first. I do agree, one would should then also confess to the 'harmed' party. Very unfortunate about the man falling off of his roof. There are always reasons that "mean" people behave the way that they do, and quite often it isn't even about the very person they are directing their anger toward. I too hope that where ever he may be, he is at peace.
I could never figure out what caused him to go in that direction. We started pleasantly and to my "face" as it were we chatted cordially but behind my back over time I was being informed by my pals he was trying to harm me. I didn't know then and will never know why. There are folks I like and folks I dislike but I have NEVER been driven to stalk or track anyone or harm them or cause trouble for them or even fink on them. I leave that to others. I think when folks are obsessed with other people enough to do that they need help. Of course politicians are fair game 24/7. Especially when we hire them to do a job for us and they service themselves and the powerful. We don't just sit and take it. Well I don't! Thank you for your reply lavender. How are you doing today m'dear?
This post was edited by RosieG at November 14, 2018 8:18 AM MST
The person you might OWE it to m'dear? The person you might have treated badly? Thank you for your reply Zack and Happy Wednesday. :) There is no point confessing anything to God. Scuttlebutt is He knows all there is to know all the time. You can't possibly inform Him of anything He doesn't already know. So why would anyone bother Him and just waste His time? Just wonderin'!