Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How much TRUTH is there in what the fearmongers promulgate? Isn't much of the fear sold by politicians based on lies to proselytize?

How much TRUTH is there in what the fearmongers promulgate? Isn't much of the fear sold by politicians based on lies to proselytize?

Every FEARMONGER is a LIAR. Lies are what FEARMONGERS rely on to draw folks into their delusional world. Make people be VERY afraid and then convince them YOU are the only only who can protect them and you will own them body and soul futurely foreverly. That is what all fearmongers know. Do you know that too? Are you afraid? Of what/whom/why?

Posted - November 16, 2018


  • 6098
    My Senator is Elizabeth Warren.  She says that we are to be taxed more and more to support people who don't support themselves.  She says we are not successful because of our own efforts but rather because of our luck.  She says  that because we are successful we should have to pay more for the same goods and services that others pay less for. She says that all wealth should be owned by the government.  She says we should have "open borders" so we can allow anyone who wishes to come in . Whether or not the safety of our lives and property are threatened.  She believes the federal government rather than the towns should control all police departments. She says if we do not agree with her schemes then we are "racists" and "sexists".  Now who is the "fearmonger" here?  Should we not fear for our lives and property?  Our whole way of life?

    I have never been so fearful in my entire life.  This post was edited by officegirl at November 16, 2018 7:13 AM MST
      November 16, 2018 6:08 AM MST