Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If true that GOD created all why did HE create what HE despises? Shouldn't he LOVE all his children equally?

If true that GOD created all why did HE create what HE despises? Shouldn't he LOVE all his children equally?

According to some Religious Rights it is GOD who put the john of don in as prez. Now the john of don is a white racist, white nationalist, authoritarian despot dictator who despises women, people of color, especially women who are African American. So how does GOD love a man who despises some of HIS creation? Someone is lying bigly. Either GOD only created whites and is a Fascist racist OR GOD created all of us and loves ALL OF US equally. OK y'all. Which is it? Since y'all speak for GOD all the time can you make up your mind and tell me what is behind  CREATION?  You can't have it both ways. It is EITHER/OR.

Posted - November 16, 2018


  • 6023
    Have you ever read the Old Testament?
    I'm thinking especially of the stories of how God punished the Israelites numerous times, by having their nation conquered.
    Now, if God did that ... who is to say He wasn't behind Hitler for the same reason?  
    And once you accept that theory, you can accept God being behind the rise of ANY leader.

    Some people prefer to believe that "God is in control of everything" ... so then THEY don't have to take any responsibility for anything.
      November 16, 2018 8:40 AM MST

  • 113301
    As a child I was raised to believe that GOD IS LOVE. We dealt with the New Testament mostly Walt. In fact at the age of 12 I TAUGHT Sunday School to the "little kids". It was a neighborhood Presbyterian church. It's hard to shake off what you are inculcated with as a child. It impresses you because children have no blocks to put up. They are hungry to be taught anything. So at 81 I still believe GOD IS LOVE. Now I am the first to admit that GOD may simply be a wish, a concept, a hope, a crutch. I KNOW the Bible is not the word of GOD but the words of many many men over many many years based on the politics of the times coupled with the misogyny of men. Even then women were second-class citizens. The Nicaean Councils decided what would be in the Bible! Not GOD. I left the church in my teens. I have no use for it. I "talk" to God a lot. Am I talking to the inner me? I don't know but it doesn't matter to me. That's where I am on this issue. Each of us CHOOSES what comforts us. I have prayed to God to bring my dad safely home, to watch over my son, to bring people through difficult times. I am not ashamed of doing that. It is how I CHOOSE to go through life. Jim does not share that at all. I don't care. He does what makes sense to him and so do I. I don't blame God for my mistakes. I think He gets a bad rap. He is a convenient scapegoat/dumping ground in fact for TRUE BELIEVERS as much if not more so than for those who think he is a fairy tale fantasy for weak-minded people. I AM strong of mind and I realize full well the potential and possibility that there is no GOD. But whom does it hurt for me to believe that there is or might be? How does it affect any life but mine? I see no harm in it and I wonder why those who try so hard to disabuse folks like me that there is no GOD. I don't take suggestions or advice. I've earned my beliefs. I'll stick with 'em until I have PROOF of something better. On my own. I don't tout easily. I don't listen to folks who have ulterior motives which means everyone and anyone. Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 16, 2018 1:02 PM MST
      November 16, 2018 1:00 PM MST

  • 10787

    Do you love your children?  What if one of them got hooked on cocaine or other drugs?  Would you still love them (not saying you’d approve of their actions)?  What if they lied, cheated, stole? What would they have to do to make you stop loving them?

    God didn’t create liars, haters, adulterers, murderers, racists, and such.  He created perfect individuals in His image (the image of love).  He created them with the ability to love, show mercy, compassion and to praise Him.  However, they didn’t like that.  They wanted to be their “own boss”; do things “their way”.  They wanted all the praise for themselves.   So they abandoned God and His restrictive “rules” and did what they wanted to do their way.  They abandoned love, mercy, and compassion for lust, greed, and pride.  Instead of living beside their “fellow man” in unity and equality, they began oppressing others, enslaving other people to do their bidding.  Might made right.  People who were “different” (skin color, language, gender, etc.) were treated not as fellow human beings, but as trash; something to be used, abused and then cast aside or killed. Although this “hurt” God, He still loved His creation (people). 

    God is no respecter of persons.  He has no “favorites”.  He loves each and every person equally – no matter their gender, skin color, language, or even how atrocious their behavior.  While our children may do something so hideous that we would abandon (stop loving) them, God doesn’t.  He doesn’t approve of their actions, but He still loves them – equally.  We can’t fathom that kind of love.  It doesn’t seem “right” to us.  How can anyone love a fascist, a murderer, a despot, a rapist, a liar, one who denies His very existence…?  God’s patiently puts up with all our “crap”, desiring that we turn back to Him. However, His patience is not without its limit.  It will eventually run out.

      November 16, 2018 10:22 AM MST

  • 6023
    You mean God claimed that the Hebrews were His Chosen ... but they aren't His favorite?

      November 16, 2018 10:36 AM MST

  • 10787
    God chose the nation of Israel to be the people through whom Jesus Christ would be born—the Savior from sin and death. God first promised the Messiah after Adam and Eve’s fall into sin (Genesis chapter 3). God later confirmed that the Messiah would come from the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus Christ is the ultimate reason why God chose Israel to be His special people. God did not need to have a chosen people, but He decided to do it that way. Jesus had to come from some nation of people, and God chose Israel.

    However, God’s reason for choosing the nation of Israel was not solely for the purpose of producing the Messiah. God’s desire for Israel was that they would teach others about Him. Israel was to be a nation of priests and prophets to the world. God’s intent was for Israel to be a distinct people, a nation who pointed others towards God and His promised provision of a Redeemer, Messiah, and Savior. For the most part, Israel failed in this task. However, God’s ultimate purpose for Israel—that of bringing the Messiah into the world—was fulfilled perfectly in Jesus Christ.
      November 16, 2018 1:02 PM MST

  • 6023
    Sorry ... I don't buy it.
    An all-powerful, all-knowing God wouldn't need to pick a nation to be His Chosen, just to send a future Savior of ALL Mankind.
    In fact, it would be much more efficient to have multiple Saviors appear at the same time with the exact same message, spread throughout all nations and people.

    Nor does Jesus ever state that the Jews are no longer God's Chosen People.  In fact, the only people he preached to were the Jews.
    And after his death and resurrection, his followers only preached his message inside Israel until they were forced to leave.
    Those facts tend to enforce that the Jews were (and are) still God's Chosen People.

    (if one believes the Bible)
      November 16, 2018 2:39 PM MST

  • 113301
    You gave a very detailed and thoughtful reply Shuhak. My point is that the don's peeps despise the non-don's. GOD made ALL of us theoretically ostensibly supposedly allegedly according to the true believers. So how can they worship a GOD and think HE is perfect and demonize some of HIS children? They are not capable of figuring out that one thing cancels another. Either GOD is powerful and perfect and created all of us or GOD is imperfect and created junk as well as the perfection of themselves. Specious thinking. Half-a**ed  frankly. They are totally incapable of following through on any of their "givens" or suppositions. That was the point of my question but I think I overshot the runway. Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 16, 2018 2:10 PM MST

  • 7809
    Rosie. God is illogical and he, she, it saw to it that I had a limited understanding of the concept of God. I guess this is the time the "bible thumpers" contradict what I've said about their savior, messiah or whatever they want to call him. This post was edited by Zack at November 16, 2018 12:05 PM MST
      November 16, 2018 10:25 AM MST

  • 113301
    There is NO LOGIC to beliefs Zack. There is only logic to FACTS. The FACT of GOD has not been established. It is a BELIEF which requires no proof. Those who believe that the BIBLE is the Word of God know nothing about history and the Nicaean Councils that convened to DECIDE among them which books would be included and which excluded. They were very misogynistic in those days so books of the Bible about women did not fare well. The church then as it is now was VERY POLITICAL and so politics and misogyny formed the basis of what books were included in the Bible. People believe what they want to believe and the truth be dam*ed! It is what it is. Thank you for your reply Zack and Happy Friday! :)
      November 16, 2018 2:15 PM MST

  • 13277
    The number of people who think that are in the minority. Why do you assume the worst about people, especially if they might disagree with you?
      November 16, 2018 10:56 AM MST

  • 44748
    I was going to answer this until I saw 'don john' in the question.
      November 16, 2018 12:23 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thanks for the info but what am I supposed to do with it Ele? I ask the questions I ask for ME not for thee. If you answer fine. If you don't fine. Your choice. I thought you knew that by now. Sheesh.
      November 16, 2018 1:06 PM MST

  • 2658
    Life choices (free will) are yours - unlike Henry Ford’s famous quote – “Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.”

    Deuteronomy 30:19 - Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!

    What is the significance of Deuteronomy 30:19?

    This passage represents the most fundamental motif of the whole Bible: namely, the Lord seeks to enter into a covenantal relationship with people. He lays before them the terms of the covenant, spells out the consequences of keeping and breaking the covenant, and then lets them choose whether to enter into a covenantal relationship with him. He desires Israel, and ultimately all people (1 Tim. 2:4; 2 Pet. 3:9), to “choose life.” But precisely because a covenant of love must be chosen rather than coerced, he also gives people the power to choose to reject his love.

    World history functions as a probationary period to determine who will and will not enter into an eternal covenantal relationship of love with the Lord. In the end, there will only be those who say “yes” to God’s invitation and therefore participate in his eternal triune love (heaven), and those who say “no” and thereby choose to eternally separate themselves from the Lord (hell).

    In passages such as this one, the point of giving people the choice to either accept or reject the terms of the covenant is to determine whether or not they will participate in the covenant (e.g. Deut. 8:2; Judg. 3:4; 2 Chron. 32:31). But if the outcome of the probation is already foreknown an eternity before he ever creates or calls anyone, there is really no point to the probation. Moreover, since the Lord explicitly tells us he wants all people to “choose life,” there is no explanation as to why he would create people whom he was certain would “choose death.”

    If we allow that the future is partly open and known by God as such, and if we concede that to some extent it lies in the power of free agents to decide which possibilities will and will not be actualized, then the purpose for every probation the Lord puts us through becomes clear. Love must be chosen; the outcome of free choices does not exist until the free choice is made; hence the Lord is finding out who will and will not choose love.  by Greg Boyd This post was edited by Beans/SilentGeneration at November 16, 2018 2:24 PM MST
      November 16, 2018 2:02 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you  for your very thoughtful and detailed reply to my question Beans/SG. I appreciate the time and care that you invested in it.  Happy Friday!  :)
      November 16, 2018 2:18 PM MST

  • 2658
    Thank you for the question - it allowed me to rekindle..(make you start feeling or thinking about something that you have not felt or thought about for a long time)

    Take Care Rosie...
      November 16, 2018 2:30 PM MST

  • 113301
    You're very welcome Beans/SG. It is very rare that anyone thanks me for asking a question so thank you for the thank you sweetie! As long as what is rekindled is not hurtful or harmful I'm glad I can do that. Of course I can't know what history folks have and if questions might hit sensitive buttons. I just ask what occurs to me and let things follow from that and the chips will fall where they fall. Happy Sunday m'dear. Got any plans for Thanksgiving? This post was edited by RosieG at November 18, 2018 2:35 PM MST
      November 18, 2018 5:25 AM MST

  • 2658
    I'll go with the flow of other modern-day Thanksgiving celebration...

    I should also remember - A Thanksgiving which ignores the systematic destruction of Indian cultures which followed hot on the heels of the Plymouth feast not only does a disservice to indigenous peoples, it falsifies our understanding of ourselves and our history.

    While few would suggest that Thanksgiving should become the occasion for a yearly guilt trip, we would do well to remember the price the first Americans paid for European expansion into their territories as we sit around the bountiful table with our family and friends. Only by openly acknowledging the sins of our collective past, is it possible to proceed toward a future that all Americans can feel thankful for. - Jane Kamensky, professor of history at Brandeis University.

    Take Care RosieG - Happy Sunday backatcha - Happy Thanksgiving.
      November 18, 2018 2:35 PM MST

  • 113301
    I agree with thee Beans/SG. Completely. However the Fascist white nationalist white supremacists who invaded and took Native American lands and murdered the occupants don't give a rat's a** about any of that. They do not like people of color. They believe that white is the only thing that is right and that people of color have no rights. We are surrounded by them. They make up a current political party. There are many names of many organizations they belong to and they are armed/weaponized to do battle when needed. Guess who their targets are? They are the scourge of America and should be neutralized. I don't know how but we will not survive if they are in control. SIGH. I always relate to the underdog. To the target of their hatred. Their current prez is a delight to them. They would die for him. Figuratively for sure and maybe even literally. Things look dark at times and then at times they lighten up. May this Thanksgiving day be one that is lighter! Thank you for your thoughtful reply and Happy Monday.  Their kind aren't thankful for anything. They believe it is their due. They are owed it. They just feast and drink and get fat and complain and go on diets.  Every year like clockwork. SIGH. :( This post was edited by RosieG at November 19, 2018 10:50 AM MST
      November 19, 2018 4:34 AM MST

  • 2658
    20+ years from now whites will be a minority - hopefully, the people of color (the majority) will curtail minority hatred...   Take Care
      November 19, 2018 10:52 AM MST

  • 6098
    Now you are using religion to attack our president.  Please understand that many of us do not buy into your insistence that Mr. Trump is any of those nasty things you persist in accusing him of.  You simply do not care for him (or he does not agree with you) so you throw all manner of false accusations and turn him into everything you hate so you can just hate more.  Now many of us he is not our favorite person but we are willing to give him his due as just a person with strengths and weaknesses like all the rest of us. Which God is certainly aware of.  But if we are so committed to hate then how can we see him as just an equal and accept him as just that?  That is the question really. 
      November 18, 2018 5:46 AM MST

  • 13277
    Brilliant! Couldn't have said it better myself.
      November 19, 2018 10:57 AM MST