According to some Religious Rights it is GOD who put the john of don in as prez. Now the john of don is a white racist, white nationalist, authoritarian despot dictator who despises women, people of color, especially women who are African American. So how does GOD love a man who despises some of HIS creation? Someone is lying bigly. Either GOD only created whites and is a Fascist racist OR GOD created all of us and loves ALL OF US equally. OK y'all. Which is it? Since y'all speak for GOD all the time can you make up your mind and tell me what is behind CREATION? You can't have it both ways. It is EITHER/OR.
Do you love your children? What if one of them got hooked on cocaine or other drugs? Would you still love them (not saying you’d approve of their actions)? What if they lied, cheated, stole? What would they have to do to make you stop loving them?
God didn’t create liars, haters, adulterers, murderers, racists, and such. He created perfect individuals in His image (the image of love). He created them with the ability to love, show mercy, compassion and to praise Him. However, they didn’t like that. They wanted to be their “own boss”; do things “their way”. They wanted all the praise for themselves. So they abandoned God and His restrictive “rules” and did what they wanted to do their way. They abandoned love, mercy, and compassion for lust, greed, and pride. Instead of living beside their “fellow man” in unity and equality, they began oppressing others, enslaving other people to do their bidding. Might made right. People who were “different” (skin color, language, gender, etc.) were treated not as fellow human beings, but as trash; something to be used, abused and then cast aside or killed. Although this “hurt” God, He still loved His creation (people).
God is no respecter of persons. He has no “favorites”. He loves each and every person equally – no matter their gender, skin color, language, or even how atrocious their behavior. While our children may do something so hideous that we would abandon (stop loving) them, God doesn’t. He doesn’t approve of their actions, but He still loves them – equally. We can’t fathom that kind of love. It doesn’t seem “right” to us. How can anyone love a fascist, a murderer, a despot, a rapist, a liar, one who denies His very existence…? God’s patiently puts up with all our “crap”, desiring that we turn back to Him. However, His patience is not without its limit. It will eventually run out.