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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is GENOCIDE currently occuring in Yemen at the hands of the dismembering Saudis? Why does the US kiss the Saudi a**?

Is GENOCIDE currently occuring in Yemen at the hands of the dismembering Saudis? Why does the US kiss the Saudi a**?

Why does the US join the genocide by doing NOTHING to stop it? Hitler and the genocide of the Jews. Turkey and the genocide of the Armenians. Saudi Arabia and the genocide of the people of Yemen. The US and the genocide of the non-dons. If you're a trumpican you will be raptured saved. If you're  a non-don you will be destroyed. You ready?

Posted - November 16, 2018


  • 14795
    Oil and to preserve the Status Quo of the whole of the Arab states....Life is cheap and no one care if you live or die if you are poor :(
      November 16, 2018 3:56 PM MST

  • 113301
    A disaster is occurring there D. Millions could die from starvation. I thought we didn't rely on the Saudis for much of our gas/petrol whatever. It is disgusting to me that George W. Bush would hold hands with a  Saudi bigwig after EVERYONE knew that it was mostly Saudis who were the bad actors on 9/11. The john of don is similarly inclined. I guess because the Saudis are richer than God? And obscenely wealthy people suck up to and protect their own? I sincerely hope one day in some far off place all of them will get exactly what they deserve. How or why or when doesn't matter though I would dearly LOVE to live long enough to see it.  Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday to thee! :)
      November 17, 2018 4:07 AM MST

  • 14795
    There is nothing one person can do about it also where the saying "If you can't beat them ,join them" came from...why does  the west keep on supping them with weapons and munitions....   Money mostly and to stop the Russians and Chinese cashing in .....:( 
      November 17, 2018 11:59 AM MST

  • 113301
    I don't know WHY the Saudis hate the Yemenis (sp?) D. But the john of don a**-kisses the Saudis shamelessly. The US joined a Qatar blockade because of the Saudis. What did Qatar ever do to us? The US hates the Yemenis because the Saudis do so I don't think it's only that the Saudis buy US weapons to murder Yemenis but that the personal financial relationship between the john of don/jared and the Saudis which has been ongoing for decades is the real key. Screw the world and our best interests! A**-kiss the Saudis. Pretend the Crown Prince didn't order the murder torture dismemberment of Khashoggi, a Turkish citizen living in the US with a green card as a US journalist! I cahn't stend it! It sucks and makes me want to barf at the utter venality and evilness of the entire relationship. A pox on all their houses...the Saudi royalty and the trumps. Worthless trash. The Turks are angry that it happened on their soil. So to placate them the john of don is contemplating turning over a Turkish dissident who has lived in Pennsylvania for 20 years! That is what the Turks wants so that is what the Saudis want so the Turks will get off their backs so that is what the john of don is  contemplating to do right now. The Turkish dissident will face CERTAIN DEATH if he is extradited to Turkey SIGH. They are all pimps and whores D. Pimps and whores. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee D! :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 18, 2018 3:36 AM MST
      November 18, 2018 3:35 AM MST