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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » DROUGHT and HEAVY WINDS caused the devasting fire tragedies in California. The clueless prez insists it is forestry management. Why so DUMB?

DROUGHT and HEAVY WINDS caused the devasting fire tragedies in California. The clueless prez insists it is forestry management. Why so DUMB?

He is like an OLD DOG who keeps gnawing on the same meatless dry bone. Over and over and over he spouts gibberish. SIGH.

Posted - November 17, 2018


  • Other than it being established that PG&E are to blame, I believe we can also blame the developers who have a lot of power here in California and refuse to allow us to keep our forests and other land undeveloped.   When I was a kid, if there was a wildfire, they would contain it and allow it to burn itself out.   They can  no longer do that, because the developers have gotten so much of their greedy hands on our land, and people keep buying their homes.  I think many issues can be blamed though, however PG&E have already accepted their part. I just wish the Suits at PG&E would be incarcerated for all of the lives they have taken and all of the damage they have done as a result of failure to maintain their equipment in these areas.    
      November 17, 2018 11:16 AM MST

  • 113301
    Too bad there are no DO-OVERS lavender. We get one shot at it and if we screw up we burn up. However many players there are should be nailed for their part in it. Having a clueless prez is never helpful. SIGH. Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply and Happy Saturday! What will tomorrow bring? Happier things one hopes!
      November 17, 2018 11:37 AM MST

  • It's unfortunate, yes.   Getting sick and tired of Presidon't Orange and his dysfunction.   
    Happy Saturday to you as well.   Enjoy your day!
      November 17, 2018 11:43 AM MST

  • 113301
    Addressing him as prez is ludicrous/riddikilus though that is his "title". It is a specious title for an illegal plant as president. When such people as Washington and Lincoln and FDR et al legitimately held that title and were legitimately pro-America. Our current Russian lapdog puppet is a dangerous lauging-stock worldwide. It is only his obtuse view of himself that makes him think otherwise. He is the butt of the jokes. An embarrassment. A humiliating "fact". For how long I don't know m'dear. He is what he is and nothing more. The fact that he holds so much power to do irreparable harm is regrettable. The fact that he has sycophantic toadies to do his bidding (was Congress and Nunes but that will change January 3, 2019) and is currently and will be the Senate under the iron hand of that  ultimate jack a** Mitch McConnell who said his proudest moment was when he prevented Obama from appointing a Justice to the Supreme Court. Imagine that? His proudest moment was obstructing the Constitutional right of his president from appointing a replacement for Antonin Scalia! That he should rot in he** (if in fact such a place were to exist) would be too good for him. Undermining his president like that and then gloating about it. SIGH. The Senate is full of crap pols like him sadly. But there is hope in the House if we can just last that long. Thank you for your reply lavender! I want someone anyone to "deliver us from evil". I'm waiting! :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 18, 2018 9:49 AM MST
      November 18, 2018 3:44 AM MST

  • Alan Spencer said it well, "Egotistical TV stars blame writers, producers, directors, PR firms, agents and co-stars for their lack of popularity, then routinely fire these people as the remedy to avoiding their own faults. This president acts like the star of a failing TV show."

    He is a total flop, a waste, and his Followers cannot stop watching his "On Demand".
      November 18, 2018 9:51 AM MST

  • 10787
    Wait!  Governor Brown signed legislation allowing PG&E to charge their customers for their "neglect" (fires started by their equipment).  The "suits" will still make their million dollar salaries (plus bonuses).
      November 17, 2018 5:10 PM MST

  • Yes.   SB 901 refers to the deadly fires from PG&E's neglect last year.   Sickening.

    The newly signed bill, SB 901, obliges the powerful state Public Utilities Commission to determine whether a utility can recover its costs and expenses arising from a destructive fire that occurred in 2017. This narrowly worded provision would include the Wine Country firestorms, a number of which have been deemed to be caused by PG&E equipment.

    When the PUC allows a utility, such as PG&E, to recover its costs, that typically is enabled through higher monthly power bills for consumers.

    “We are very disappointed the governor signed the PG&E bailout bill,” said Mark Toney, executive director of The Utility Reform Network, a consumer group.

      November 17, 2018 5:16 PM MST

  • 35005
      November 18, 2018 5:34 AM MST

  • 6988
    Calif. has had forest fires since before Washington was president.  Don't blame the President OR the electric service provider. People keep building on the scenic lots that are developed for them. Those forests are full of pine trees that burn like hell. Perhaps new houses should be built of 100% non flammable materials such as slate or metal roofs, steel and stone exteriors, etc? 
      November 18, 2018 5:46 AM MST