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Why do some parents let their children be homeless for yrs at a time?

       Ive seen this happen and I've wondered about it, like in my apt building someone's son literally has been living on the streets since ive lived there, almost 5 yrs, the guy is a nice guy, he dont do drugs that i know of, and hes not a criminal, i think he might be disabled and cant get ssi or something, hes literally sleeping outside for yrs at a time and i wondered why she dont just get a place where shes allowed to have someone live with her, i dont see why she even allows that, if i had a kid my conscience would bother me, hes not abusive or nothing so i dont get why she allows it.

        today when i was in church someone's daughter showed up and she was homeless. i think shes been homeless for yrs too, i think she mightve had some kind of problem cause she was talking to herself, i think she couldve had some mental issues, the pastor kicked her out instead of helping her, the mom didnt even want to go and talk to her, not sure why, i dont know if she was on drugs or drinking or what but she was out of it, why didnt they just call an ambulance and get her some help instead of kicking her out? i was disgusted that the mom didnt even talk to her, and its a christian church too. later they had a lunch thing going on at the church, i didnt even stay, i was so disgusted with them kicking her out like that instead of helping her, so why didnt the mom even talk to her and why did the pastor kick her out, she wasnt hurting anyone, she was just talking to herself, why do mom's not want to help their adult children when theyre homeless like that, theyre the ones that put them into this world, i was more disgusted with the 2nd one cause the first one at least visits with her son, this one dont. I could understand something couldve happened where she couldnt have her live with her, but the not talking to her was what got to me. especially in church where people are supposed to set the example.

Posted - August 21, 2016


  • 53698
    Not every homeless person wants to be off the streets. Sad but true.
      August 21, 2016 10:45 PM MDT

  • Sometimes it's the kid's choice. One or both parents may be seriously toxic or dangerous. The kid is safer by running away.

    If the youth living near your place has a Mum who visits him, there will be a reason. You could try asking him or her.

    Some people are extremely claustrophobic and cannot tolerate being indoors.

    The person who came to your church talking to herself may have been having a schizophrenic episode: one obvious symptom is speaking in "word salad" - a string of words loosely connected by associations in the speaker's mind but unintelligible to others. This can happen when they've forgotten to take anti-psychotic medication. Or sometimes it's a deliberate choice. Psychiatric institutions only lock up those who are proven to be a danger to themselves or others, which means that many are left homeless and roaming. While in a psychotic state, they are incapable of relating normally with others.

    It is possible that the pastor, your mother, and others may have recognised this instantly. At the moment, most of these people fall through the gaps of social services.

    Often they rely on soup kitchens and various charities to survive.

      August 21, 2016 11:23 PM MDT

  • 2758

    I suppose there are various reasons why a 'parent' abandons his or her progeny, but my best guess is that mom and dad (if dad is even known) have been completely devastated by years of generational dependency.  Dependency has a nasty habit of hollowing out the soul of the person thus afflicted.

    As for this (your?!) pastor, he should be run out of his church (and town) on a rail.  If he calls himself a 'Christian,' he has no business being a pastor after this.  That young girl was his greatest test, and it appears as if he failed it miserably.

    The upshot, though, is that it falls on 'villagers' just like you to take care of the least of these you find in your midst.  I'm not sure what the specific answer is in these cases, but there ARE members of the Christian community who would help her.  I would suggest researching homeless outreach/advocacy centers where you live.  Hillary was right: it does take a village.  Not a government, but a VILLAGE full of concerned/compassionate human beings.

      August 21, 2016 11:43 PM MDT

  • 2758

      August 21, 2016 11:44 PM MDT

  • 219

    This is so sad.. and the pastor kicking her out is just awful.. The poor girl she must feel so rejected... some people turn to a pastor as a last resort.. so its so upsetting he kicked her out.

    I would have spoke to her to see if I could have got her some help.

    When I was working in a nursing home.. I wanted to take them home with me.. and they had a home and they were safe.. I would be the same... probably more so... with these homeless children.

      August 22, 2016 1:25 PM MDT

  • 46117

    1.  They don't care

    2.  They don't know how to fix the problem

    3.  They just don't know about it

      August 22, 2016 1:32 PM MDT