Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Some believe the world began when Jesus was born. Others think it began when john of don was installed as prez. What do YOU believe? Why?
I don't believe I've ever heard of either of those two premises you've proposed. That doesn't mean that they're false, but they sure do seem dubious, most likely dreamed up to stir controversy.
Years ago on the TV show THE VIEW one of the hosts was an African American woman. I think her name was Sherry but I'm not sure. One day she said that she believe the world was 6000 years old or something like that. The others hosts said no it is billions of years old and she insisted they were very wrong. I do not know what religion she was Sharon and she didn't last long. She was very serious and I think she didn't realize the others were laughing at her. I'm gonna Google and see what happens.
LOL. I was not laughing at YOU, Rosie, I was laughing because I knew it happened. I absolutely know there are idiots out there who believe total inanities as insane as this. This does not surprise me. I am surprised she doesn't have a pod cast (maybe she does on YOUTUBE) or better still, her own stint on FOX NEWS. She fits right in. Trump would back it, if it made his base happy and healthy.
I know that sweetie. I didn't think you were. I just Googled it. SHERRI SHEPHERD is the dame's name . In 2007 she said she didn't believe in evolution. Period. When asked if the earth were flat she said she didn't know. The quote I was thinking of was when they were talking about the ancient Greeks Sherri said that Jesus came first and said "I don't think anything predated Christians". She also had a dim view of the LGBTQ community and I think said something like they were all going to he**. Don't know what happened to her but she was quite stupid dumb. SIGH.
To quote My 2 Cents: Did I SAY you knew people who believed that? DID I?
How about looking at that video and tell me you have never seen people who think like this.
I can walk down any street and find some numbnuts who would find it plausible. You are not off the hook, by any means though. You have enough to be embarrassed about. Sara Huckabee Sanders would tremble for her job security if Trump met someone who could spin the truth like you can.
You think you can find someone who believes the earth is 2 yrs old or less than 2030 yrs old? Even the young earthers don't believe that, they believe under 10000 yrs. I am not a young earther. I do not believe the Bible supports it either.