Hmm..I'd rather think it runs both ways because if you are a Critique Of All Things it should stay on the editorial column of your town newspaper.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 19, 2018 7:12 AM MST
TO be a critic to me, is to criticize. To anti- that is to be against criticism. If you are free of judgment, how can one be a bigot. That was the angle I was viewing from. Maybe I am off the beam.
Who is free of judgment Sharon? You are anti-critic if the critic is criticizing you. That's why the john wants to control the questions journalists ask and why he doesn't like followup questions. He hates critics of him and thus he is an anti-critic which means he is a bigot as well as a FASCIST RACIST porcine? If you hate Jews you're a bigot. If you hate those who criticize you then you are a bigot too aren't you?
Didn't I say you were never rude? I lied. Be Randy. The nice one. I want to see this.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 19, 2018 7:22 AM MST
The definitions of bigotry can be easily looked up, making this entire query unnecessary. Posting it is just another opportunity to express one's opposition.
I should not be faulted for seeing through the ruse.