Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Most scammers con artists shysters quacks are charming. That's how they getchya. Some aren't. Why are they successful too?
A successful con artist will play on a marks (the person they intend to con) greed and or fear. They will also trick the mark into thinking they have a common ground or something in common - like if they are about to con a person and that person has a dog with them they will say - hey I used to have a dog like that . A successful con artist can also spot a potential mark coming from a mile away. So if a com artist wanabe isn't good at those things they won't be successful. I don't think people are desperate to be coned more like they are out witted or they don't have the proper anti con skills Con artist have deception down to an art (that's why they call them con artist) but if a person has a bit of street smarts and they are fluent at reading body language they can't be coned! Cheers!