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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Besides putting up miles and miles of BARBED WIRE at the border what else did the military do? Won't it get in the way of THE WALL?

Besides putting up miles and miles of BARBED WIRE at the border what else did the military do? Won't it get in the way of THE WALL?

Won't that barbed wire have to be removed to build the john of don's magnificent WALL that he PROMISED Y'all? So the barbed wire was just to give something to the troops to do and when it's removed it will give whomever does it something to do. Could the border patrol have done that? How difficult is it to put up barbed wire? Does it take mlitary training to do it? Inquiring minds wanna know. Where will the john of don put his toy soldiers  next? Anyone know?

Posted - November 21, 2018


  • 53676

      That's an utterly silly assessment of the facts surrounding the situation; it's a good thing that you only mean it tongue-in-cheek. 
      November 21, 2018 5:42 AM MST