A book - more specifically the book - Who's Boat Is This Boat. The book is about all the un helpful things Trump said well he was viewing the flood disaster. Cheers!
I doubt he knows how to read Nanoose. Does it have a lotta pictures? He looks at pictures I've read but words? Not his favorite thing. Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
A rake. If he's going to complain about our state, he should shut up and do some raking. It's similar to the shoveling he's been doing, just a new tool for the ole Tool.
I can see and smell to what you refer to vis a vis the "shoveling" lavender. Very subtle. I like it . Thank you for your reply lavender and Happy Thanks\giving Day Thursday. The john of don said he talked to the president of I forget what country and they talked about raking. The president of that whatever country said they said NOTHING about raking during the conversation. The john of don is a compulsive pathological liar for no reason. He cannot help it. SIGH. Our back luck he belongs to us! AARRGGHH! :(
Our Presidon't has been losing his mind for awhile, and every time he attempts to open his ugly mouth, it becomes even more evident.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 25, 2018 5:59 PM MST
Hahhhahahahahahahaha! Oh my gosh Ele my mom used to use one just like that decades ago when I was kid! Geez how appropriate! Thank you for your reply and Happy Thanksgiving Day Thurtsday to you and yours m'dear! :)
I always knew you were intrepid Sharon but that is very very very brave. Such a job could kill you. I know you mean that metaphorically and figuratively not actually. He could crush you if he inadvertently sat on you. Thank you for your reply and the graphic! :)
There is nothing else I can say about him that I have not said for 2 1/2 YEARS. I know how to display hate and derision. I choose to let him disappear. He will soon enough.
I am not going anywhere. I am going to tone down my invective. It is not GOOD FOR ME. I could care less about his welfare. He cares not. He is a destructive maniac. I will do anything I can to thwart his progression, but I am getting nowhere just railing at him.
Instead of don of john, I choose to focus on what matters. How about Jon of God?
You have to check this healer out. He does operations without any thing but his hands and a few tools, while people stand. They hardly bleed. They feel no pain. Millions (I'm not exaggerating) have been cured by him. He's in Brazil and his "hospital" is on top of a buried load of cyrstals not found anywhere else but I think in Lourdes and some other place .
This is fascinating. This is true.
Of course, there are nay sayers who want to call him a fraud. There are too many proofs that they just don't want to accept this. There are too many people who would never release their dependence of Western Medicine to give this creedence just yet. I know better.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 22, 2018 9:42 AM MST