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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Your prez just did an end run around y'all! Sez he LIKES Nancy Pelosi and will help her get votes! Whaddaya gonna do with THAT? Roll Over?

Your prez just did an end run around y'all! Sez he LIKES Nancy Pelosi and will help her get votes! Whaddaya gonna do with THAT? Roll Over?

He is sucking up to the POWER she will wield in the House. He will play oh so nice and y'all better get in line and do the same otherwise the john of don hammer will take thee out. You know he eats his own when he gets hungry enough and right now he is STARVING. I warned you. Play nice or be afraid. :)

Posted - November 22, 2018


  • 46117
    Someone told him to do this.  What better way to oust her than have Trump behind her.  No one of merit will choose her.

    His minders know that he did more harm than good in the mid-terms by backing people.

    Therefore, if he backs people they hate, they hope it will do some good,  by getting everyone to give her a wide berth.  Who wants a Dem that Trump pretends now to love?  She needs to do some real pissing him off in front of the world if she hopes to retain a shred of dignity.  I know she has spoken against him.  She needs to SPEAK LOUDER.  And often.  

    I don't know a lot about Nancy, but I know she is a competent leader.   I don't know if she is a flip-flopping sycophant.  I remember not being totally in love with her before, but I forget why.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 23, 2018 7:07 AM MST
      November 22, 2018 10:35 AM MST

  • 113301
    She was not beloved because she is a STRONG SMART DETERMINED WOMAN Sharon.  She was always respected because she always was able to count on the votes she needed to bring bills to floor of the House and get them VOTED ON  AND PASSED! Ryan and McConnell bring NOTHING to the floor to be voted on that is worth anything. The BLOCK legislation and are both the Worst in history. The one thing McConnell did (his proudest moment according to him) was to PREVENT President Obama from appointing a Justice to SCOTUS to replace Scalia. Unconstitutional to do that. He is a liar and unpatriotic and a vicious venal evil corrupt SOB. His legacy. Obstruction and unconstitutional manipulation of the Senate and an abrogation/demolishing of the job of the Senate to ADVISE AND CONSENT. The one distinction of the Republican majority. McConnell sabotaging the president of the United States. Good job Mitch. Keep it up. You get lotsa brownie points which will get you something real good one day. Remember green stamps and blue stamps? Somewhere. Somehow. You will turn them all in and get a big prize. From SOMEONE! Sheesh. :(
      November 23, 2018 7:14 AM MST

  • 6988
    Well, you caught Trump lying. I think he is just being sarcastic.
      November 23, 2018 6:27 AM MST

  • 113301
    ARE YOU SAYING YOUR BOY IS A LIAR bh? He said "I will never lie to you" to the American people among whom are thee and me and everyone else too. He said that clear and true once upon a time.  Are you saying THAT WAS A LIE? Boy are you ever in trouble!. Condolences and good luck. I hope you survive the backlash that will accrue to you from the other trumpicans. God speed. Thank you for your reply!  If you mysteriously disappear thanks for the conversations these few years and I will pray for you! :) This post was edited by RosieG at November 23, 2018 7:17 AM MST
      November 23, 2018 7:16 AM MST