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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are there weed seeds or do weeds appear from nowhere? When you plant a seed how can you be CERTAIN it ain't a weed?

Are there weed seeds or do weeds appear from nowhere? When you plant a seed how can you be CERTAIN it ain't a weed?

I s'pose some folks can be obsessed with weeds. A weed fetish? Any weed collectors? Any SAVE THE WEEDS environmental organizations.  What do you feed weeds to nourish them and help them thrive survive stay alive? Can some people be weeds, so to speak? So some need to be weeds due to pre-existing conditions? Would you help a weed in need and do a good deed for humankind?

Posted - November 23, 2018


  • 6988
    I have battled with weeds in my garden since day one. I use a roto-tiller to destroy most of them, but a few survive by growing next to the plants I try to get to grow. Some weeds are very reproductive, they have lots of seeds. Recently, the agricultural weed killer called Roundup has been accused of causing cancer. It is a giant industry and to avoid it, you need to buy 'organic' food. A vast majority of farmers use Roundup. It works very well but if it is outlawed, farmers will have to go back to using cultivators ( like my roto-tiller) and that is expensive. Food costs will skyrocket. The Trumpster is well aware of this problem. It is not an easy fix. Naturally, some Green Party people will be protesting Trump about this problem and the Dems will be protesting further and calling the President 'a monster'. So, what can you do? 
      November 23, 2018 6:01 AM MST

  • 113301
    Where do you find politics in this question bh? Yet you drag the john of don into it. Do you wear him on your back so you can't make a move or say a word that doesn't pertain to him?  That is seriously sad. You had me up to "Food costs will skyrocket". After that it devolves into typical standard pedestrian tiresome  partisan politics for which I will not thank you. Why must everything in your universe revolve around the john of don? Can't you quit him for even one answer to one question? Sheesh. :(
      November 24, 2018 4:42 AM MST

  • 6988
    Can't YOU quit mentioning the 'Don of John?' He is mentioned at least 3 times in your first 10 questions today. I guess you like to talk about his exploits and I do also, and I try to defend his controversial comments and actions. After all, he sends surveys to my Email, which is the way govt. ought to work.  This post was edited by B.H.Wilson at November 24, 2018 6:57 AM MST
      November 24, 2018 6:50 AM MST

  • 6098
    Weeds don't come from nowhere. Their seeds blow in, they are brought in by birds and animals, they come in mulch and topsoil.  They thrive because they are more adaptable and require less special care.  Especially in certain environments that are conducive to them.  Many weeds are plants now cultivated because of the usefulness or beauty of their flowers and fruits.  On the other hands weeds can choke out or obscure many plants which are less hardy so planters weed to stop their competition with sowed crops.  So some people do become obsessed with eradicating them but most people find that is a losing proposition so they do after as many as they can and let the rest come up.  
      November 24, 2018 7:15 AM MST