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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » American values means different things to different people. Isn't that true of ALL ABSTRACT CONCEPTS?

American values means different things to different people. Isn't that true of ALL ABSTRACT CONCEPTS?

It's easier to agree on something concrete that we can all see. It's 3-dimensional. Takes up space. Occupies emptiness with its presence. But love, hope, faith, belief, truth, honor, justice? No way Jose. We all conceive of and perceive of and comprehend them as they "make sense" to us and suit our conveniences and prejudices. A 3-legged stool is a 3-legged stool whether I view it or you view it. But my truth and yours? SIGH.

Posted - November 23, 2018


  • 53676

      Generally, yes. 
      November 23, 2018 6:54 AM MST

  • 6023
    I've thought for a long time ... What are AMERICAN values?
    I mean, if they are AMERICAN, they must not be valued by any other country.  Right?
    So what values do Americans have, that nobody else does?
      November 23, 2018 8:20 AM MST

  • 46117

    American values used to include Truth, Justice, non-discrimination.

    Of course, the free world uses these qualities to define their governments.   

    If you think that is the Credo of Russia, North Korea and all the many despot-ruled nations?  

    NOPE.  We are joining the deplorables and telling our allies to stuff it.  

    America is in danger of not recovering from this, and now we can see the light again. 

      November 23, 2018 8:25 AM MST

  • 6023

    "American values used to include Truth, Justice, non-discrimination."


    HA!  Good joke.
    America has had discrimination since it's founding.
    Justice?  Only if you were a landowner and could afford a lawyer, or had friends in power.

      November 23, 2018 8:56 AM MST

  • 113301
    I fondly remember what they used to be according to my parents. They were immigrants to this country along with my grandparents. All came here for a better life and became NATURALIZED citizens. I am first generation and feel a deep obligation to them to be the very best citizen I can be and to participate in this ship of state to the best of my ability as the laws allow. They BELIEVED the words carved on the Statue of Liberty. They came through Ellis Island back in the day. They believed the lyrics in the songs about this great country. To them there was no better place on the face of the earth to raise their future children. Some of what I was taught was to be respectful, polite, grateful and mindful of right and wrong. Education was important. Helping others was important. Believing in truth and being honorable at all times..even when no one was looking...was important. Lying was not tolerated. It was certainly NOT accepted and admired and venerated and duplicated as it is today through the example of the john of don. American values today are what the john of don says they are. Period. So just check with him and that will be your template.  I am so glad my parents aren't here to see what has happened to their beloved adopted country. It saddens me to say that but they taught me NOT TO LIE so I don't. What we have is the john of don who calls all the shots presently. His effect on the world is to be determined but so far he isn't making things better he is proudly promulgating condoning all that is evil and harmful and negative. How much longer he has left to do his damage I do not know. I hope his days are numbered and that the number is getting smaller Walt. Thank you for your reply. I think  American Values today are is am the john of don. What he says goes. His peeps follow him everywhere anywhere. The rest of us are on our own and have to decide what OUR values are and try to live up them IN SPITE OF HIM. Sigh. :(
      November 24, 2018 4:30 AM MST