It's easier to agree on something concrete that we can all see. It's 3-dimensional. Takes up space. Occupies emptiness with its presence. But love, hope, faith, belief, truth, honor, justice? No way Jose. We all conceive of and perceive of and comprehend them as they "make sense" to us and suit our conveniences and prejudices. A 3-legged stool is a 3-legged stool whether I view it or you view it. But my truth and yours? SIGH.
American values used to include Truth, Justice, non-discrimination.
Of course, the free world uses these qualities to define their governments.
If you think that is the Credo of Russia, North Korea and all the many despot-ruled nations?
NOPE. We are joining the deplorables and telling our allies to stuff it.
America is in danger of not recovering from this, and now we can see the light again.
"American values used to include Truth, Justice, non-discrimination."
HA! Good joke.
America has had discrimination since it's founding.
Justice? Only if you were a landowner and could afford a lawyer, or had friends in power.