Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» November 22, 2018 was American Thanksgiving Day. It was also the 55-year-anniversary of the assassination of JFK. I was 26. Were you alive?
I was only a child back then and all I really cared about was that the TV coverage interfered with my cartoons. But as an adult I sometimes wonder how different the World might be if it didn't happen. Awhile back they were supposed to release all the secret documents about the assassination but not all of it was released. I always thought Russia had something to do with it - would be nice to know for sure. Cheers and happy weekend!
There were lotsa conspiracy theories Nanoose not the least of which involved LBJ! The mafia/mob was mentioned too. We will never know the real reason WHY or the whom I guess. Which makes it worse although the knowing wouldn't change a thing. Thank you for your reply! :)
I was thinking that if everybody knew what happened and it was Russia that was behind it - most people wouldn't except Trump being so friendly with Russia. Cheers and happy weekend!
His 40% supporters don't give a rat's a** whom he sleeps with or cozies up to or sells us out to Nanoose. They LOVE HIM and support him and defend him against we the people! Period. I think you give that 40% too much credit. As for the 60% we know what a vile vicious venal piece of disgusting humanity he is. We the 60% don't value junk. SIGH. Russia is not our friend. But it matters not to "he who be" at all. The people don't matter. The country doesn't matter. All that matters is "the he who be" and his 40%. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
The entire country went into mourning Ele. Except for the Republicans who were jubilant and joyful and happy as he**. I had an uncle Republican. I remember him well and think very unkind thoughts to this day about him. JFK was my first president. The first one I could vote for age-wise. When he died I got permission from my boss to bring a portable TV to the office so we could all watch the funeral. John john saluting is burnt in my memory. I can't watch memorials or tributes because I lived through it and remembered it and cannot bear it. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
I was walking home from grade school, the 8th grade I think, and I remember trying to find my way home through blurred tears.
What a shock for a young girl who never knew life could be so tragic in this cushy country.
I think in my gut the mafia carried out this atrocity. They had a lot of reasons to. JFK's daddy, Joe screwed them and you do NOT screw with the mafia. They had a lot to do with the success of Kennedy getting into power. The end did not justify the means.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 23, 2018 1:50 PM MST