Of course Comey is and was a Republican when Republican existed. Loretta Lynch is a Dem. They will also bring back the multiple BENGHAZI investigations AND the MULTIPLE Hillary email investigations and probably add to the 60 plus ATTEMPTS to kill the AHCA which is now the lifeline of every REPUBLIDCAN pol who promised to honor pre-existing condition s. What bullsh** they tried to sell but we the people are way smarter than them and always were.. The desperation is palpable and very embarrassing for them. Or should be. But they bull on. They move forward. Nothing will deter them from their gloriously inglorious LAST HURRAH for the team! The Nunes and the Dowdy Gowdy and the other last-breath-gasping trumpicans who were booted out mean to get back at and revenge themselves on those who replaced them. Wrong target of course. The revenge they seek ought to be against those who rejected them, denied them, couldn't stand the thought of having them back doing the same old thing. We'll see what happens. Any time now. Everyone says so . Soon. Take my word for it. I will never lie to you! :)