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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Who is gonna pay Mexico to feed, clothe, house, protect the millions of people who are the responsibility of the john of don?

Who is gonna pay Mexico to feed, clothe, house, protect the millions of people who are the responsibility of the john of don?

We were PROMISED Mexico would pay for the wall. What wall you ask? Do we all pay Mexico for its out-of-pockets cost attendant to taking care of the millions of hordes of invading terrorists rapists murderer bad people? Something is very fishy here. Don'tcha think?

Posted - November 25, 2018


  • 6988
    Very fishy, indeed!  Who told this horde to gather and head north?  Not the U.S. govt.  Perhaps George Soros?  The Dems?  Anyway, it was a dirty trick. That Central American horde will suffer at the border because they ain't coming over without being legal first. Who will feed them? Perhaps when they do get across, will you accept them at your nice Calif. home? They could take baths in your pool. 
      November 25, 2018 6:49 AM MST

  • 53676

      PREFACE: I know full well that you're merely being facetious, and my response is rendered with that knowledge in mind.

      Why is it that every negative is Trump's fault and every problem is Trump's responsibility?  Aren't people supposed to be responsible for themselves?  Aren't governments supposed to be responsible for their own citizens?  Shouldn't the country of Honduras be held accountable for Honduran citizens and the country of Mexico be held accountable for Mexican citizens?

      Why even ask what people think when you've clearly stated that a) you don't care what people think, which is why b) you don't read answers to your posts, you just post because things occur to you, but c) that's untrue because you shower profuse praise on those who toot your horn and agree with you, d) which proves that letter b above is false, e) returning us to the circular logic that you in fact do care what people think only if and when they think the same things that you do.

      Mail your donation checks to the nearest Mexican Consulate; it will show how much you care. 
      November 25, 2018 7:31 AM MST

  • 6098
    Yea Randy D.  +5.
      November 25, 2018 7:35 AM MST

  • 35004
    The caravan is not the USAs responsibility to feed cloth etc. 
    If any should be held responsible to pay it is the original country.

    Or if it can be tracked down to who originally was paying them (allegedly Soros), they should pay the cities. 
      November 25, 2018 7:54 AM MST