Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Will a war like the one we experienced in WW2 bring us together or drive us further apart? Wanna try it out to see if it floats?
Not true sweetie. Not true. I'm old enough to remember WW2. It UNITED AMERICANS in the fight. We had rationing of sugar and butter so we could make more guns for our troops. "Butter for guns". I think I saw posters that said that. That's when Rosie the Riveter was born! Women doing jobs men had been doing because they went off to fight a war. Women went to work on production lines and learned how to use tools to build things used in the war. The men were on the battlefront fighting and dying. We were all for what we were doing. War did bring us together then. Whether or not it could do so again I do not know. But isn't that a terrible thing to have to rely on to unite a country? SIGH. Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
I think so too. We just gotta keep moving forward. Not stop. Not back down. Not give in. Not pretend everything is hunky because we don't wanna take the heat. I get stronger each time I stand up and speak out. More's the pity for those who keep trying to take me down. Never gonna happen,. Amusing that they keep trying. They do not have a clue whom they are up against in me. VERY DETERMINED. VERY FEISTY. VERY STRONG. VERY HEALTHY. Pity them for they know not what they do. SIGH.