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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » WELCOME Y'ALL to 1948! The john of don PROMISED to bring back auto jobs, steel jobs, cavemine jobs. Retrogressive "advances"?

WELCOME Y'ALL to 1948! The john of don PROMISED to bring back auto jobs, steel jobs, cavemine jobs. Retrogressive "advances"?

All from a man to whom PROGESSIVE is a dirty word and REACTIONARY is da bomb! He loves yesterday and what usta be. I wonder if he even knows how to use a computer or are his talents limited to tweeting? You are what you tweet. You are what you promulgate. You are what you deliver. You are what you are. SIGH. :(

Posted - November 27, 2018


  • 10786
    I've said this many times before.  Mr. "Long Gone" loves the past.   Unfortunately, he also wears blinders.  He Only sees the "good" things.  HOwever, what was "good" back then isn't necessarily "good" now.  We used to spray plants with DDT.  We used to put lead in gas and paint.  We used to dump used car oil on the ground or in rivers.   We used to put asbestos in lots of things (floor/wall tiles, siding, pot holders, etc.).  We used to use radium to make things glow in the dark (watches, kids toys).  We used to use CFC's in lots of things (hair spray, air conditioners, etc.).  ........ And we learned the hard way that these weren't good.   In the "olden days" these items were very profitable.  Shall we start using them again?  it might create a job or two.  Does "Long Gone" remember WWII?  It had a lot to do with america becoming prosperous back then too.  
    No, we learn from our mistakes.  DDT and asbestos caused cancer.  Lead caused retardation in kids.  CFC's deplete the ozone layer.  Radium was lethal.  Carelessly discarded oil got into drinking water, poisoning those who drank it.

    We saw that the earth was running low on the resources we'd relied on for over 100 years, so we learned how to use other resources.  We learned to harness the sun's rays, the wind and even ocean waves  to make electricity.  NOt only were these resources plentiful, but they're free. 

    Yet "Long Gone" doesn't see this.  All he can see is what used to be.  He wants to go back to the "glory days" of old ... even though those days weren't really as glorious as he thinks.
      November 27, 2018 4:27 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for a thoughtful and informative reply Shuhak. I remember "yesterday" fondly. I was much younger "yesterday" and life was a whole lot simpler. In my long-ago "yesterday" all cops were good and you could count on them to help you if you needed them. Of course subsequently we know that is not how things are for unarmed young black men. Cops today murder them and walk away from it  because they say "they felt threatened". Now how in the he** do you feel threatened by a young man who is running away from that you have to shoot IN THE BACK  to stop? Weird how folks buy that and support that and cheer when the cop walks. You respected adults and were always polite. You knew the difference between telling the truth and being a liar and no one wanted to be known as a liar. You believed that the people in charge weren't perfect but tried their best to do what was right for the people and the country. You didn't expect perfection. You expected to be safe in school and in church and in movie theaters and at outdoor concerts. That was before the "gun culture" became sacrosanct and mass massacres/slaughters were part of the fabric of our lives and when people were murdered those who spoke up spoke in defense of THE FIRST AMENDMENT and the RIGHT TO OWN GUNS. That was before people who were PRO LIFE blew up family planning centers  to kill people. I never did get how that made any sense.  Anyway back in the day the world didn't seem so scary and on the brink of disaster. Racists were quiet and lived their lives under white sheets. Today they run for public office and get elected and have marches and carry signs . The rule of law was held in high esteem and lawbreakers were not tolerated. Today we have a lawbreaker in charge. Go figger! Go back to that yesterday with all its dangers?  In a heartbeat because what we have today is way worse to me . Way worse. Don'tcha think?
      November 28, 2018 3:55 AM MST

  • 10786

    There was a study done in Brazil a few years ago (all on film).  They took a group of parents and asked them what they saw for the future.  100% of them replied just as you did.  They said that world was a terrible place, it was going downhill and there was little hope for future generations.  Then they asked their children (ages 6-10) what they saw for the future.  100% of them replied hope.  They were eager to become things in their life – librarians, veterinarians, dancers, and such.  They were looking forward to a bright future.  Then they showed the kids responses to their parents.  Not a one of them - men and women – could keep a dry eye.  The future is what our children or we make it.

    I’m as guilty as you are.  I too look back and long for the “good ol’ days”.  Yet just how “good” were those days?  I’m guessing you were born in ‘37 or ’38 - just in time for WWII.  I’m willing to bet a great many people didn’t see them as "the good ol’ days”.  Husbands and fathers sent off to war, many never to return (3 million people killed).  Kids made orphans, wives turned widows at young ages, food and gasoline rationing, concern that the Germans might invade America (U-boats off the Atlantic coast), pearl harbor bombed (getting close to the then 48 states), Japanese-Americans stuffed into internment camps (just because of their ancestry), …  were those the “good ol’ days”?

    The 50’s and 60’s saw racial segregation in the south.  Many were treated atrociously, beaten and even killed just because their skin was black.  Don’t forget the “Korean conflict”.  Nearly 127,000 US soldiers were killed there.  Good ol’ days?

    The 60’s and early 70’s saw massive protests against a so-called “police action” in another country (Vietnam).  Young men - some barely out of high school, were shuffled overseas against their will – many never to return (over 58,000 killed).  Don’t forget the assassination of Kennedy, the Watergate scandal, and the energy crisis of the mid 70’s.  Ah, yes… the “good ol’ days”.

    I could go on about the 80’s, 90’s, 00’s, 10’s … but I believe you see my point.

    When we long for the days of old, we tend to remember only the “good” times.  The world is full of evil.  It always has been and it always will be.  Someone once told me, “These are the good old days”.  Those words stuck with me.  You know something?  He was right.  We look around and see noting but evil and violence – racial unrest, mass shootings, wars, political upheaval, yet as bad as we think these days are, 25-50 years from now the children of today will look back and long to be here again.  Not because things will be any better (or worse) by then, but because they will remember the good that happened. 

    If the world is so bad and there’s no hope for the future, why do we keep bringing children into the world?  Why do we plan families if their fate is to be killed by some whacko with a gun, or in a war … or even by a drunk driver?  If the future is so bleak, why don’t we simply give up?

    A very wise man once said, “Don’t long for ‘the good old days.’  This is not wise.”

      November 28, 2018 10:47 AM MST

  • 13277
    And so are you and the rest of us. This post was edited by Stu Spelling Bee at November 27, 2018 7:02 PM MST
      November 27, 2018 4:31 PM MST

  • 17039
    He also failed at least one of those. GM is set to close eight plants globally, including four in the US. Detroit is already depressed, this may well turn it into a ghost town.
      November 27, 2018 5:30 PM MST

  • 13277
    Yes. It's all Trump's fault and has nothing to do with with GM or conditions in the markets for its products. How delusional.
      November 27, 2018 5:38 PM MST

  • 17039
    I'm not blaming Trump for the closures, merely pointing out that he promised something he couldn't deliver. Again. 
    The pointless trade war with China may have had some small knock-on effect (GM sales in China have crashed) but not a large one (those figures were never all that big to begin with).
      November 27, 2018 5:43 PM MST

  • 13277
    Just like every president before him.
      November 27, 2018 6:35 PM MST

  • 113301
    Hamtramak(sp?) to be specific. Of course the john of don is irate about it.  But here's the thing. It is a BUSINESS DECISIION to make GM more profitable.  Why would the john of don who tells us he is a great businessman fault any company for doing that? I"m gonna ask. Thank you for your reply Sbf!  :)
      November 28, 2018 3:58 AM MST

  • But can he make America rake again? 
      November 27, 2018 7:02 PM MST

  • 113301
    Hahahaahahahahahahahahahaha! Good one lavender. I doubt the corpulent john of don would ever exert himself to rake the floor of a forest to prevent forest fires. He never said what we are supposed to do with what we rake up? Start a bonfire? SIGH. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday!  :)
      November 28, 2018 3:59 AM MST

  • He can't even rake his toupee.   
    Happy Wednesday to you as well!
      November 28, 2018 9:39 AM MST