Thank you for your thoughtful reply Durdle. You make some good points. I disagree with you about some of them. Here goes. I am an ENGLISH MAJOR. I know what is correct appropriate proper and what is not. However I think language is not dead and fixed and rigid. Language is the way we communicate with one another. You do know that spelling correctly does not indicate intelligence correct? I worked in a research lab long ago with GENIUS scientists who invented things. They wrote reports and it was my job to edit them for proper spelling. They were far too busy inventing to concern themselves with spelling. Now how we use words and the size of our vocabulary is definitely an intelligence indicator. I play with words all the time. I make some up to suit myself because I feel like it. FUTURELY is mine and I like it. Just an example. I also spell stupid stoopid sometimes because it amuses me to do so. People who know me know that about me. English is not always the first language of folks on an internet social site. They do the best they can. They do NOT show up here or elsewhere to be criticized for spelling. They show up to communicate and engage with the rest of us. It's like looking at a beautiful garden and focusing only on the weeds. What kind of person does that? The kind of person with whom YOU want to engage and spend time? Spelling police ride on the coattails of others. If they were creative inventive imaginative they would be asking and answering questions. But they aren't. Yet they lust after being noticed and the only way they have been able to attract attention is by setting themselves up as arbiters of "correctness" and feel quite proud of that distinctive slice of the pie they have cut for themselves. You may find them useful helpful effective. I don't. If all they have to contribute to the dialogue is interjecting and interrupting to point out errors I do not waste my time on them. They intrude promiscuously and wantonly. During a discussion about serious things they show up with a correction! That is at best intrusive and at worst insulting. They are not invited to join in but they barge in with their pompous condescending supercilious arrogant "correction". Others don't mind them and I expect still others think they are very very very very swell. I do not. I do appreciate your point of view. I simply do not share it. It happens. Happy Tuesday to you! :) As for your views on taking pride in a car or house or my own appearance I think spelling is not remotely analogous to those examples. SIGH.
This post was edited by RosieG at December 4, 2018 8:59 AM MST