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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Folks either grow into the job to which they aspired and for which they were hired or they get fired. VERY QUICKLY. Why not a PREZ?

Folks either grow into the job to which they aspired and for which they were hired or they get fired. VERY QUICKLY. Why not a PREZ?

You hire a guy that is a failure on all fronts and you are STUCK WITH HIM for 4 years? Why set up such a losing situation for we the people? Why not a TRYOUT year and then a pass or fail? The fail kicks out the failure and we choose again. That saves us 3 years of sameoldsameoldsame. A one-year tryout is very generous. In some jobs you are being evaluated/tested for 3 months or 6 month before insurance coverage begins or eligibility for vacation or holiday pay kicks in. You have to PROVE you can do the job. Why do we give a prez FOUR YEARS to show us how very inept and incompetent he is? FOUR YEARS in which he tears down all that we hold dear? Anyone have a clue?

Posted - December 1, 2018


  • 19937
    No one who becomes president can possibly have the experience of being in that office until they get there.  However, most who attain that position will have been on the political scene and have an understanding of how government works.  They appoint cabinet members and have advisors who are familiar with and experienced in whatever position they hold.  The smart presidents rely on the advice of their advisors.  As a result, they grow into the position.  

    It wouldn't serve the country well to have a president serve an evaluation period because the magnitude of the job is so large that it would take him/her at least a year to become familiar with the lay of the land.  
      December 1, 2018 11:09 AM MST

  • 113301
    No hope then? Keep what we got and suck it up. SIGH. We know the quality of the electorate will never change. We gotta change the quality of the folks who become candidates! I like the idea. I'm gonna ask. Any ideas how we do that L? Thank you for your reply! :)(
      December 1, 2018 11:49 AM MST